Chapter 8

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It had been a month since Kate and William spoke almost daily, they were spending more time together and they laughed when they could. The relationship between the two was better and better, until they reach the point of when one didn't sent a message, the other missed; if one didn't respond immediately, the other was sad and disconsolated.

In Kate's point of view, William was just a good friend. 

Friend - from annoying to friend. 


One day missing, just one day for her coronation. One day to become the Queen of England. 

Being Queen seems something so complex and confusing, especially for a girl with her mere 18 years. However, it isn't. There were counselors and a kind of meeting that will address the main ... after all, Kate is just a young woman, there are things she doesn't understand yet. 

One more day, just one day and Kate doesn't seem happier for it ... on the contrary, seemed to retract and seemed colder. Nerves. 

"I miss my parents ... why mom, why? I wish you were here to see me ..."

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