Chapter Thirty Three

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Laurance's POV

Taco snoring beside me, the TV playing in the background, and Garroth's head resting peacefully in my lap as I play with his hair. He cuddles one of our throw pillows, eyes half closed with an adorable little smile on his tempting, pink lips.

And things finally feel right.

...But not for long.


The door slams open, making us and Taco jump. Gar sits up and moves to the other side of the couch.

"Sheesh, Cad. What do you want?" I glare at her. Her eyes are wild, fear covering every corner of her face. Her normally styled hair is tangled, black mascara streaking down her cheeks. Caleb fidgets behind her, probably unsure of what's going on.

"Cad?" I get up and she immediately wraps me in a hug. I'm taken aback since she usually never does this, but I hug her back.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" I ask, softly. She tightens her grip.

"I-It's Vincent..."


"He...he's awake, Laurance."

Tears stain the front of my shirt but I barely pay attention.

" do you know...?"

She pulls back slightly and shows me her cell phone.

Unknown- Hey, Cadenza. It's Vincent. Just woke up not too long ago.

Unknown- Would you and Laurance (if you're still in contact) come to Scaleswind at some point? I need to talk to you both about something

My heart is pounding. My limbs are shaking. The very thought of seeing him again sends terror through my body.


"What..." I take a shaky breath. "...what do you want to do?"

She frowns: "I don't know..."

I let go of her and slowly turn to Garroth on the couch. Worry etches across his eyes. Cadenza lightly grabs my arm.

"You have to tell him," she whispers and I know she's right, but I really don't want to.

"Laurance?" He cocks his head to the side. "Are you okay? You look pale."

"I..." I sigh. "Garroth, can in my room?"

His eyes widen slightly, but he nods and gets up from the couch. Taco perks up. I glance at Cad.

"We'll be back in a sec. Caleb-" He looks up at me. "-take care of sissy, okay?"

Caleb grins wide and nods, instantly clinging to Cad's leg. She giggles slightly and I head into my room where Garroth is already waiting on my bed.

I swallow the lump in my throat and walk over to him. His eyes are worried and full of concern and, Irene, I feel horrible making him worry so much. That's all he's been since I came back: worried.

I just wish I could give him nothing but happiness...

He moves over so I can sit beside him and I do. Anxiety builds in my chest. His hand gently rubs my back and I feel somewhat better.

"You okay?" he asks, softly. I take a breath.

"You know those nightmares?" Is how I start off. This takes him by surprise.

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