Chapter Eleven

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Garroth's POV

I sit at the dining table across from Vylad. He's busy telling a story from one of the places he's visited. I forget the name of it, but he says there's lots of monuments and medieval-style buildings. Seeing pictures, it really looked like he'd travelled back in time.

"I even saw a horse drawn carriage," he claims. "I didn't get a photo 'cuz my phone was about to die, but it was weird...and cool."

"You sure you're not a secret time traveller?"

"Like I'd tell you."

I smile, hearing footsteps bounding down the stairs and seeing a weirdo with bed hair emerge. Laurance spots me and Vylad and grins broadly. He doesn't look like he took much time getting dressed this morning, which I guess isn't much of a surprise. He never cared about his appearance. Well, he did in high school, but I'm pretty sure everyone did. That habit goes away once you're an adult.

"Hey Laurance," I greet as he walks over. "Jet lag any better?"

"What jet lag? I've never heard the phrase." He stands near the table and crosses his arms. "Grab your coat, Gar. I'm dragging you somewhere today."

"What?" I ask, caught by surprise. I mean, I figured this would happen eventually, but I expected some sort of warning.

...Am I stupid to have thought that? Probably.

"You heard me, blondie. Now, go grab your coat. I'll meet you in the car."

"Wait a second, you. I'm not going anywhere until I fix your hair," I tell him, getting off my chair as Laurance groans.

"Why? It's fiiine."

"It really isn't."

"I have a comb!" Vylad chirps, digging around in his pocket and bringing out a black comb. I take it from him.

"Why do you have a random comb in your pocket?" Laurance questions as I start on his hair. Vylad shrugs.

"Just in case I need it."

"Irene, when was the last time you brushed your hair?" I mumble.

"Not my fault. I haven't had a Garroth around to take care of me." He looks up at me and smiles like he has no worries in the world. That grin makes me smile, too.

"Look forward, dork. I need to finish with your hair," I order playfully. He rolls his eyes but does what I say with an over dramatic sigh. There's a click and I see Vylad with his phone again.

"Again. Why?" I ask him and he just smiles innocently.

I give up trying to get rational answers out of these two.

"Okay, that's as good as I can get it," I say, stepping away from Laurance. He turns to me before promptly messing up his hair again. I sigh.

"Why do I even bother?" I mumble, getting my coat from off the back of the couch. Laurance grins excitedly.

"Yes! Come on, slowpoke!" he cheers, running to the front door. He calls over his shoulder, "See ya, Vylad!" before shutting the door behind him.

"You two are an odd bunch," Vylad comments and I chuckle.

"That's an understatement." I ruffle the top of my brother's hair. "Bye, baby brother. See you later."

"Have fun, Gar."

I follow Laurance out the door and into the car, sliding into the passengers seat as Laurance is just starting up the engine. Just as I clip the seatbelt, we're pulling out of the driveway and down the street. Laurance turns on the radio, but it's low enough so we can hear each other talk.

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