Chapter 11 - Amy's Downfall?

Start from the beginning

"I know that! It's just here. It's like a large, metal thing thats come down from the roof! And it's blocking us from the other room and Amy!" Rory shouted, worrying about his wife.

"Rory, there is not a door!" I shouted, walking over to Rory. "Oh look, Rory, a door!" I said, pointing to it.

"Yes, a door! Now where did it come from" Rory hissed, with angry in his voice.

"Umm, not sure. I'll get back to you on that one! But I think the Angels put there to stop us getting back to Amy and TARDIS." I said, scanning it with my Sonic. "Speaking of the Angels. Why aren't you looking at them?"

"Because I thought you were!" Rory said calmly.

"No. So if your not looking and I'm not looking, who is?" I asked. We both snapped our eyes to the direction of the Weeping Angels, only to see them right by us. "Ah! Thats bad! Right, Rory, look for a way out."

"Umm, theres a gap between those Angels there but then where will we go?"

"Umm, don't know. Can you see a door or anything like that?" I asked, still looking at the three teeth-bearing Angels.

"No, sorry! Wait, there! In the corner, theres a door. Look!" Rory shouted.

"Right, heres the plan! You get past them and keep watching them from that side. Once your through, look at the Angels while I sneak past. When were both past them, we'll both walk backwards towards the door. Then I'll open it, possibly with the Sonic Screwdriver, then we'll be rush inside and lock the door. Then make a plan from there! Got it?" I reeled off.

"Did you just think of all that on the spot?" Rory asked me.

"Yes, because I'm clever. Now, Rory, have you got the plan?"I asked, again.

"Yes, I have. Ready?" Rory asked, nodded at me.

"Go for it!" I replied, keeping my eyes on the three Angels. In the corner of my eye I could see Rory walking past the Angels and standing on the other side of them.

"Ok Doctor, your turn." Rory whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, starting to walk past the Angels.

"In case they hear us!" He whisper yelled back.

"Rory, their statues! They don't have ears!" I replied, as I stood next to the scared man. "Right, got your eyes on them? Start walking backwards." I instructed. We started to walk backwards, which soon tuned into a run as our fear got the better of us. I took a quick glance behind us to see we were at the door.

"Rory, we're here. Keep looking at them while I get the door open. I pulled out my Sonic and pressed it against the lock. The door unlocked and I ran inside, pulling Rory with me. I quickly shut the door and locked it again with the screwdriver. I sighed with relief as I leaned against the door. I looked up to Rory to see he had is mouth hanging open at the sight in front of him. A spaceship control room.

"Doctor, weren't we just in a church, on Earth?" Rory asked.

"Yes, we were and no we're in a spaceship control room!" I said, explaining what I saw.

"Yes, I can see that! But how?"

"No idea! I'll find out later, as right now we have to get Amy out of there! Rory have you got your phone?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Call Amy. Make sure she is ok, while I have a look round for more Angels." I instructed, before wondering off like normal. It looked like the ship was pretty battered and in a bad way. I came across a bunch of screens which showed each corner of the church from cameras. I scanned them all to see if Amy was on one but I had no luck.

"DOCTOR!" Rory's voice called out.

"Rory? Rory whats wrong?" I shouted back, running over to him.

"It's Amy!" He said back, handing me the phone.

"Amy? Amy are you alright? What happened?" I asked, frantically down the phone.

"Doctor? Help me, please!" Amy's voice cried out in sobs through the phone.

"I will, just tell me whats happened!" I asked, trying to sound calm.

"The Angels. One came behind me and it's taken the TARDIS! Then I looked round at it and the ones in front of me moved closer and..and.." The crying voice said, stuttering at the end.

"Amy? AMY! Where are you now? Are you safe?" I asked, panicking at the loss of the Scottish accent.

"I'm backed up against the all and I can see all the Angels. But..." Amy started.

"But what? Amy?" I shouted.

"I'm trapped. I can't get out! I'm sorry." She cried through the phone.

"Hey, don't cry or apologize! This is all my fault and I promise to get you out of there! I promise! Me and Rory are coming now. Just hold on Amy, please!" I begged her, as me and Rory started to run to the door. I whipped out my Sonic Screwdriver and held it against the lock again. But it wouldn't open. I threw the phone to Rory and tried to opened the door again but it still wouldn't budge. "Come on! Open!" I screamed in frustration.

"Doctor? Whats wrong? Just open the door, already! I need to get to Amy!" Rory shouted at me.

"It won't open. Umm, try and find another exit!" I said, taking the phone from Rory again. "Amy, we are coming I promise! I just need you to hang in there!" I said, down the phone. I started rushing around the room with Rory trying to find another door but we had no luck.

"Doctor? Put me on speaker." Amy asked, as I did as I was told. "Can you both hear me?"

"Yeah we can!"

"Right, then answer my question. Can you come get me?" She asked, her voice almost breaking.

"We are trying Amy. Its just the door won't open and we're can't find another exit. But we will come for you!" I said, breaking my heart as I said it.

"Doctor, I'm not an idiot. You can't help me can you?" Amy asked, letting out a small sob as she said it.

"Amy, we will..."

"Doctor! Just tell me straight! I can take it!" Amy shouted, cutting me off.

"No. We can't get you at the moment. And I'm not sure we will be able too. I'm really sorry Amy!" I said, as a single tear fell down my cheek.

"It's fine. I just guess it's my time. Doctor, don't ever blame yourself for this please. I've had an amazing time traveling with you and I wouldn't change it for the world! Thank you Doctor, for everything. Rory? Are you there?" Amy asked after saying her goodbyes to me. I passed the phone to Rory's hand as I wiped away the salty, tears that fell from my old eyes.

"I'm here, Amy. Please don't leave me!" Rory begged into the phone, ignoring his own tears.

"Oh Rory! My lovely Rory the Roman! I'm so sorry it has to end this way! Me saying it all down a phone!" Amy sobbed into the phone.

"Why are you saying goodbye? Please don't!" Rory cried, wiping his eyes.

"Because if....when I die to these monster, I want to go with dignity. I'd rather close my eyes now instead of waiting for someone to save me. Rory always remember that I love you! Please move on after me, I don't want you to be sitting around grieving for me! And please don't blame The Doctor, it isn't his fault! I love you Rory Williams!" Amy cried into the phone.

"I love you too, Amelia Pond! Please don't go!" Rory sobbed back. I walked over to him and placed my arm around his shoulder. I carefully took the phone from his grasp and held it by my mouth.

"Please Amy, don't do this! We will get somebody to save you!" I begged into the mobile.

"Doctor, I'll be fine. I promise! Hey, The Doctor crying over me, Amelia Pond! Guess what?" Amy asked.


"Gotcha!" She laughed, before the phone went dead.

"Amy? AMY!" I yelled into the phone, which no longer held the Scottish voice at the other end. "Amy? Please come back." I whispered. But it was no use. The line was dead.

Amy was gone.

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