No Idea

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This story was made by me Tatsu-uke and my friend Maplesyrup442 please go check her some of her shit on her profile. To give her credit for working just as hard on this story with me, please go follow her. I thank you for your time. 

A vase shatters, the water soaks into the floorboards slowly overlapping in the rug. The simple lilies collapse against broken pieces of the vase. As the young man curses at the mess he just made. He stood there looking at it. He didn't want to wake up his roommate. He glanced at the door that had stupid cute butterflies hanging on it. Pink was just her color.

Uraraka eyes open as she heard something crack. It sounded like glasses shattering. She sat up quickly she felt shiver rippling in her back. She wondered if someone broke in. She heard footsteps outside her door. She stood up silently as she held her phone she was prepared to press the emergency button. She took the doorknob of her room and twisted it slowly she peered past it as she heard the sudden feet were shuffling. She breathed in deeply. She didn't see anyone. "Fuck," she curses quietly. As she sees her vase was in pieces on the floor. She walked back into the room to grab something to use to potentially attack, and defend herself with. Uraraka went to the corner of the room to get her old metal bat. She gripped it shakily. Uraraka tiptoed her way down the hallway. She swiftly turned right towards the kitchen and raised her bat in her hands. The young man raised his hands in defense. He called Uraraka's name. Uraraka stopped as she saw Midoriya standing there his eyes widened with his hand out. "Oh fuck, "Midoriya said clutching his chest.

"What the hell," Uraraka paused. "You scared the hell out of me," Uraraka said putting her bat down. "Sorry I-

Midoriya voice went silent as soon as Uraraka spoke.

"Where the hell have you been?" Uraraka asked. She walked towards him as Midoriya put his arms at his sides. His eyes were droopy. "You weren't supposed to see that," Midoriya mumbled. "Why didn't you tell me, hurts. It feels like you betrayed me like you've lied to me,"Uraraka said waving her left hand.

Midoriya tried to gather the words to say. "It was my time to say it out loud, If anything you should be apologizing to me," Midoriya said. Uraraka's mouth opened. She couldn't believe and even wanted to hear the words he was saying. "Are you serious, why should I apologize?" Uraraka asked putting her hands at her hips. She frowned with her eyebrows furrowed. "The fact that you left without giving my time explain was just... You didn't even let me take the time to say anything which wasn't fair. Do you even know what was going through my mind at that moment? The look you gave me, it made me think you hated me, that you were disgusted I for was sleeping with a man," Midoriya said.

"I was angry because you didn't tell me. I've known you for so long. Not only that but you knew for a fact you were gay. You didn't question it, you knew it! This is just like back in high school. When you had family problems you never told me. You kept that all to yourself. You still do. Keeping everything to yourself isn't healthy you know. It took a couple o-of-of times for your mom to go to the hospital for you to finally speak."

"You don't know what you talking about," Midoriya said turned around.

"I understand some things are hard to talk about. But if you keep things to yourself how am I supposed to trust you? Deku do you realize that I love you with all my heart, it pains me that you hide everything so much. With all the shit you've gone through I think you deserve to be happy like everybody else," Uraraka says profoundly as she gazed at Midoriya. She recalls that that day On New Years the Midoriya came to her doorstep. It was the not the first time in an incident where his mother was harmed by his father.

Midoriya put his hands into his face his shoulders shook. He was crying softly. Uraraka put her arms around him. Leaving her cheek into his chest. "I was wrong for not letting you speak. You know I was just angry, and I didn't know what to do," Uraraka said her voice filled with sorrow. "It's okay now," Uraraka said with a sweet smile. Midoriya wiped his tears that ran down his soft cheeks. "Yeah," Midoriya mumbled Uraraka grinned rubbing her fingers into his shoulder. The weight that was on her chest from days before finally was wiped away and drifted along the frustration that boiled in her head. "Now come here." She says gesturing for him to come closer for a hug. He complies and they sit in a tight embrace. "I'm so happy your back. I'm so sorry. I would never be disgusted with you over something like that." She says. "It's ok Deku." He rubs his face against her for more comfort. "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we watch something on tv?" Uraraka asks and Midoriya nods his head his curls practically bounce. They head to their living room. "Ok, so what shall we watch?" Uraraka says plopping on the couch. "We could rewatch Boku no hero Academia," Midoriya says smiling. "Yes! Let's have a bnha marathon!" Uraraka jumps at the idea and quickly turns it on. "It's been so long since we've watched this," Midoriya says and Uraraka nods her head agreeing. They then get comfortable on the couches and start from episode 1. "Izuko is such a cry baby on the first episodes," Midoriya says while laughing. The narrators of this fucking story are smiling at the irony of this chapter.

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