27. Questions

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Judy Garland -The Trolley Song

Fell in love with this song the first time I heard it when I was young and it always pops into my head. At this stage all my friends just associate it to me now..

Also had it played at my wedding heehee...

"What colour are your eyes?"

Like really blue.
The bluest blue.

Do you have any siblings?"

"I have a sister and a brother. She's eighteen and He's twenty five.

"I have an older brother. He's twenty three.
What's your favourite song?"

"Oh shit...I don't know..
Can I come back to you on that"

"Fine but I get an extra question"

"Okay but first, what's your favourite song?"

"I have a list but my top one would probably be The Trolley song by Judy Garland..
no wait, You Don't Own Me the version from the First Wives Club
Either really.."


"What are you laughing at?"

"I.. I was not expecting you to say a song that's older than you"

"So you know them?

"Why is that surprising?"

"Because most people I'd even mention them to have no idea what I'm on about and then if I play them they look at me like I've a few screws loose"

"They're some of my mam's favourites"

"A woman with taste.
I like your mam already"

"I'm sure you'd get along great with her.
She's the best!
Did you just yawn again?"

"It's after three!
And I'm pretty sure 20 questions ended an hour ago"

"Time flies when you're having fun"

"Goodnight Playboy"

"Goodnight Cutie-pie"

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