1: The Crater

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Anthony Edward Stark woke to find himself at the bottom of a crater. A very deep crater, about 50 feet down. After that assessment, he noticed the dull, almost grey, blue sky. And a rip in said dull sky that he had fallen from.

"I'm going to kill Reed Richards," the billionaire growled as he tried to stand. "Jarvis?"

"Sir I can't seem to find where you are," the AI spoke up. "Nor can I seem to reach Stark Tower."

"That's fine J," Tony sighed as he looked up in time to see the rip seal itself like it was never there. "J?"

"Yes Sir?"

"I take back what I said," The man groaned. "We are in a different dimension it seems, because Richards can't do anything by the rules can he? No. No he can't."

   "And who is this Reed Richards," a voice spoke from behind the scientist in a titanium alloy, red and gold suit.

   Tony turned and stopped in his tracks. Because right in front of him was Superman. Like flesh and blood, Superman. "Okay, hold on," The startled man held up his hands in a surrender motion. "I'm not a bad guy, first off. Second Reed Richards is a scientist who likes to make portals to other dimensions. I was sending a back a clown with his blonde girlfriend. A vine hit my left foot repulser on my left then the clown brought us down." He took a deep breath because he fell at least from 300 feet in the air. Even with the rest of his suit working properly he still fell, and bruised ribs are his payment for it.

"You are Iron Man," the Kryptonian landed and finally got out of his signature ballerina pose. "How?"

"Alternate dimension, Kal," Tony smirked.

"Sir I have located the closest internet and it seems we are near a city called Gotham."

"I know of the place," Tony mused the opened his face plate. "It seems that Batman isn't a comic books after all." He looked at the out-of-his-depth alien. "Well might as well tell me what has happened, so I know if what I know is accurate."

"I think we had better go to the Watchtower," the dark haired alien sighed in frustration. "Let you talk to Flash or Cyborg."

"I get to meet them?" Tony grinned happily. "How are we getting there?" Superman just looked to the sky in exasperation. "Come a Supes. You have to give me something."

Tony Stark and Dimension Hopping Via Failed PortalWhere stories live. Discover now