30 || Stagecraft

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Edward finally understood why Reese despised Arkham Asylum so much. The inmates lacked control over themselves; insanity, madness, or craziness was a gift not everyone could put to good use. The atmosphere was suffocating and uncomfortable. The guards treated you like cattle, except inside the Recreational room - You could die, and they couldn't care less. Inmates made a ruckus, licked each other's faces, and acted like children. Some because of biological issues, while others had their brains damaged at 'therapies' and as a result of being given strong medication.

He honestly had no clue how his sister survived the eternal inferno. Not to be rude, but he hated having his face licked and the abundance of intense screaming. The worst part was that Reese couldn't visit him because of her 'outlaw' status.

Arkham terrified him more than it irritated him, especially the basement. What he had seen made his gut twist and tumble, a wave of acid washed throughout his esophagus. There was nothing comforting he could say to himself that'd make it better - It was horrible. He couldn't believe everyone dared to proclaim him insane when people were doing this to others.

Grateful. He was grateful his little sister had escaped this hell. The idea of having her be that close to the underground monsters didn't sit well with him. He imagined being taken down here and never returning; she would never know why. He couldn't fathom not being able to be there whenever she needed - Leaving her all alone. She was still seventeen, and despite her vicious actions, Reese was a minor - a mere child.

She was his child.

He had given everything to raise and protect her. An endless supply of blood and tears, the sweat that dripped through his school uniform, some of the hours in college. She had been his priority since he could remember. That evening in the woods haunted him; the disbelief and hurt in her eyes when he aimed the gun at her. But it had been a necessary evil, giving her time to escape.

He erratically shuffled out of the elevator, shutting the collapsable gates and letting the moving wall conceal the secret. A knot in his throat threatened to suffocate him, and his body failed to function. He directed himself toward the hall leading to the recreational room.

"Hey! Hey!" Someone shouted nearby, causing him to turn around in panic - an orderly. He raised his hands in surrender, his fingers shaking with fear. The latter demanded answers, "What are you doing out of your cell?"

Ed quickly stammered, "My mistake, sorry. My bad. I just got lost." He extended his arms, which made the other man move back, preventing himself from being attacked. "Escort me back, would you?" Confused and cautious, the orderly complied, returning the panicking man to his enclosure, D-171. "Thank you," Edward mumbled, puffing up his cheeks as he breathed out as they walked. Once there, he voluntarily entered and waved at the orderly, beginning to pace around. "Thank you. Have a nice day." The door shut closed.

His arms flailed in the air, breathing in and out, before plopping onto the bed and pressing his hands against his face. Memories of the grotesque monsters flashed inside his brain, and shivers rippled down his back. "Oh, I gotta get out of here."

He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, trying to brainstorm an escape plan with minimal risk of being caught. The air conditioner cast a cool breeze, prompting him to shiver. Cold. An idea slithered into his brain; his gaze spanned to the vent above. "Huh." He smirked and began chuckling gleefully. Who puts a vent inside an inmate's room?

That was his way out.

_ × _

He was lost.

Completely and utterly lost.

Ed had no idea how long he'd been crawling through the vents, navigating a maze of freezing, dirty, and endless tunnels. To say he was annoyed was an understatement. He panted as he moved, grimacing as his hands touched disgusting patches of steel. Just as he was braced for the disappointment of entering yet another intersection of tunnels, his forehead collided against something hard. He could swear he saw stars briefly.

FREAKS || Jerome Valeska¹Where stories live. Discover now