A birthday cake! With my name written on it.

My birthday cake!


Hira POV:

He held the mixed expression of surprise and happiness but trying hard to hide them. It was funny watching him struggling like this as he stared at the cake.

"Ahmar, why are you standing like a statue?" Asked Auntie and he finally looked at us.

"W-what is this? I am not a kid who would celebrate his birthday." He tried to frown.

"You will not accept our wishes?" I asked.

"Don't be mean, yar." Said Tahir.

"Are you three is a part of this too?" He asked looking at his friends.

"Well yes, if the big brother of our friend asked us to help him out celebrating your birthday." Answered Faiq.


Zulqarnain requested them too???

It was my time to be surprised. I turned my head to Zulqarnain and soon as our eyes met, he smiled.

Good going Hero!

I smiled back at him.

"Take it." I said to Ahmar.

"Why would I take it. Put it on a table or somewhere." He frowned and stepped away.

"Oh! right. Sorry." I turned to look for a table.

"I get it." Said Zaid but Ami stopped him.

"Let's go inside."

"Faiq, take this and go with Ahmar, I will come in a minute." I said giving the cake.

"Zulqarnain, wait for a moment." I kept my voice down so Ahmar cannot hear it.

He nodded, coming towards me but stopped when Sara starts to follow her.

"Sara, you go on with others, I will join in a few minutes."

"But I want to come too and where are you going?" She asked looking back and forth between me and Zulqaranain.

"Nowhere, just go for now alright."

"Fine." She pouted and left after shooting a glare at me.

That girl sure hates me a lot...

I sighed.

"What happened?"


"Why let out a dramatic sigh."

"You are the one dramatic here." I said walking towards the car.

"Me? How?" He quickly joined my pace.

"Hero of the Heroine... I didn't know you liked this kind of thing."

"What kind of things?"

"Showing off."

"What are you talking about Hira. Say it clearly." He stopped by coming in front of me.

"Why it is so hard for you to understand simple things? I am talking about your tracksuit."

"What about it?"

"Argh! Idiot, I am saying that you and Sara are wearing a couple tracksuits. No one minds it since you are in a relationship with her but is it necessary to show it off when you are here to celebrate your brother's birthday with whom you have a complicated relationship. You should be more thoughtful about it. Ahmar is just a teenager, what would happen if Ahmar's thinks that you take advantage of his birthday to introduce your girlfriend to everyone." I out everything weighing my mind in a single breath.

"But one the second thought, your family seems to know her then what was the point of showing off?"

"Hold on, Teacher." He raised his hands in the air like surrendering, "Where did this couple thing come from?"

"What do you mean from where. Everyone can see it."

"Because we are wearing a couple tracksuits?"

His question caught me off guard.

"And I would love to know how can you call it a couple tracksuit? Does it say Mr. Zulqarnain and Mrs. Zulqarnain?" His tone slightly changed into mocking, as the look of his face changed from supersize to teasing.

"...No. But it say-"

"Hero and Heroine," He cut me in the middle.

"We both are actors and have worked as leading actors in many projects. So what's wrong if we wear captions 'Hero' and 'Heroine'?"

Suddenly I felt a cold bucket of water was dropped upon me. I made a blunder because of my overthinking and his smirking face was not helping me to come out from embarrassment. To be honest, I feel like digging a hole in the ground and hide there.


Zulqarnain's POV:

Her face turned red as a tomato and she avoids making eye contact anymore. She was probably embarrassed because of her wrong perception.

Even an intelligent person like her could make such mistakes...

My smile widened as I saw her fidgeting. She looked cute, so cute.

"Um...," After a moment she tiptoed a bit to look over my shoulder and say, "Who is that guy?" She pointed her finger behind me.

"Who?" I abruptly looked back but didn't find a single soul.

"There is no one there Teacher." When I turned to Hira, she was walking back towards the house.

"Where are you going?" I shouted.

"I just remembered I had something to take care of. You should go and bring Ahmar's gift quickly." She said without even stopping.

"Hey Teacher, it looks like you are running away from me." I teased.

"Keep dreaming Hero, I would never do that." Her tone lacked the confidence it possessed. Yet she was stubborn enough to keep defying it. But I found this cute too, extremely cute.


Salam and hello everyone!

Sorry about the delay, I had some problem with my laptop ☹️

I have read your comments and I noticed that you guys are rooting for both brothers. And now I realize, I too love them both... What a troublesome situation. 😌

Anyways, the next update will be of 'You Will Always Be Mine'. Working on that story is way harder then I have ever imagined. Still, I will try to do my best.

Follow me on Instagram ''laila_mehtaab' and on Facebook 'Laila-mehtaab' for news about the update.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Take Care :)

Oh! My Darling TeacherМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя