Chapter 10 - Weeping Angels And True Feelings Of Love.

Start from the beginning

Basically, I wanted him.

After three days of crying, realization hit me. I was falling in love with him. Falling in love with a mental, floppy haired, handsome, space traveling, bow tie wearing alien.

And I hated that.

That's when I had a tantrum. I ruined my room. I smashed up everything. Because of a boy. After I just slumped back into bed and cried. Cried and cried. Over and over. Over The Doctor. And I had stayed like it since.

Martha had come round during my first three days. After not answering my phone, she came round my house. She came up to my room, where I refused to face her. I just led facing the other way, while she talked about her life. Working for UNIT. Seeing 'fit boys' on TV. Being married to Mickey. Her sort of normal life. Much more normal than mine.

“Madison, are you listening to me? You now have one minute to get down here or I will come up there!” Martha's voice shouted, breaking me out of my thoughts. My thoughts of him. I was secretly hoping she would just come up here. I needed something to take my mind off it all and fighting aliens didn't seem to be working at all. It had been a whole week since the Daleks. Since him. And no alien threats had happened. Not once.

“MADDY! 30 SECONDS!” Her voice screamed, in frustration. I looked forward, at the mess in front of me. My over turned desk, the toppled over piles of books and the cluster of food wrappers from the bin in the corner. I had done this. Over a boy? I was stupid. I had faced the most evilest and darkest creations in the whole universe. I had died five times and had to rebuild my life again after. Yet, I was more interested in a hot alien.

“RIGHT THAT'S IT! MADDY YOU ARE GETTING OUT OF BED NOW! I AM COMING INTO YOUR ROOM WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! AND ANOTHER THING....Oh my god! Madison, what happened here?” She asked, as she was greeted by the site of my room. I slowly turned to face her and she gasped at my appearance. “Maddy? What happened?” She asked softly, walking towards me.

“A boy. A stupid, outer-space, ridiculous...handsome boy!” I told her, as I burst into tears again. She walked over to my bed and held me in her arms. She didn't say anything. She just sat there, rocking me back and forth gently while she listened to my cries. And to be honest, that was what I needed.

“I'll make you something to eat, yeah? When was the last time to ate Maddy?” Martha asked me. She had manged to get me to get dressed and come downstairs to the kitchen.

“A week ago.” I whispered, looking down into the luke-warm, mug of tea in my hands. I heard her sigh and mumble something under her breath, before turning away into my cupboards. I just stared into my tea, as if it was going to give me all the answers I needed.

Something didn't make sense. There was something completely obvious I was missing and I didn't know what. I tried to focus on it but it was taken away by Martha's voice.

“Shit, ow!” She mumbled. I looked up at her, to see her shaking her hand then licking it.

“You alright?” I asked, walking over to her.

“Yeah, just cut my finger with the knife!” She explained.

“Here, put it under the tap while I get a plaster.” I said, raiding through my cupboards. “How did you cut yourself with a knife anyway?” I asked, chucking a box of plasters at her.

“I was cutting cheese for the sandwich I was making you and I accidentally cut my middle finger!” She explained, as she sat down at the table with me.

“Cutting cheese?” I asked, holding back a laugh.

“Yeah, shut up!” She said, looking down. When she looked up at me, I burst out laughing along with her.

“Your such an idiot!” I said, as the laughter dies down.

“Oi, woman carrying a gun here so watch it! It's good to see you laugh Maddy! Now, do you intend to tell me why you smashed up your room of The Doctor?” She asked, changing the subject.

“Martha there are more important things right now than The Doctor. Wait, how did you now it was over him?”I asked her.

“Because when I asked you what was wrong you said and I quote 'A boy. A stupid, outer-space, ridiculous handsome boy'! And there not many of them about, is there?” She pointed out.

“Martha can you not feel it? Like there is something really obvious in this room, that I'm meant to be noticing. What is it?” I asked, ignoring her last question.

“What you mean that outer-space teleport at the end of the table thats beeping and flashing?” She said, pointing at the object.

“Oh yeah! Didn't see that!” I said, walking over to it to see what was happening.

“What would you do with me? Maddy? Maddy what wrong? What is it?” Martha asked me. I was frozen to the spot looking at the information on the screen.

“It's the Weeping Angels.” I finally said, looking up at Martha who looked as scared as me. “And their on Earth!”

“Oh god!”

“Right Martha, go to my room and under my bed will be purple laptop. Bring it down here to me, ok?” I told her, flicking through the other information on my teleport.

“Right, fine.” She said, before running up the stairs. I sat at the table, looking at more information when Martha came back down.

“Wow, that was quick!”

“Yeah, well I've faced the Weeping Angels before so I know it's urgent.” She told me, placing the laptop down in front of me.

“Right, I've put the location in the laptop so I should be able to get the CCTV from there.”

“You can do that, from that laptop?” Martha asked, leaning over my shoulder.

“Of course! Right here we go. It looks like there's 7 Weeping angels. Thats good and bad.” I explained.

“How exactly?”

“Good because there's only 7 but bad because there are 7 more than I wanted! Anyway, it doesn't look like there are any people....wait, oh no!” I said, getting quieter as my sentence went on.

“What? Madison, what is it?” Martha asked, getting worried.

“There's people down there with the Angels. Three of them. Look! I can't see there faces, so I can't find out who they are.” I said, annoyed.

“Can't you switch camera's?”

“Already doing it! Oh! I don't think we need to worry to much about them three!” I said, a smile appearing on my face.

“WHAT? Maddy, who are they? It only says the woman is called Amelia Pond and one of the men is called Rory Williams. Who is the other man?” Martha asked, reading the laptop screen.

“See the thing with this laptop Martha, is it only scans human faces. So that man in the middle must be an alien. But it's a good thing I already know who he is!” I explained, standing up from the table to face Martha.

“Who? Who is he?”

“Tweed Jacket, braces and an awesome bow tie? Oh and he's also an alien! And he has a gorgeous face! Who do you think it is?” I asked, smiling like a child.

“The Doctor?” She asked, in disbelief.

“The Doctor! The one and only!” I said, smiling at the laptop screen. “And it looks like I'm going to have to save him again!”

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