Chapter 13

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Taniesha POV

Holding his dead body, all I could do was scream. My eyes were watering, I was crying. Just then the officer I was talking to ran out and asked me what happened.

I tried to speak but no words would come out, I started breathing hard, starting to lose my breathe and cry harder. After that everything went black.

-2 hours later-

My eyes were closed but I could her beeping and a TV. I slowly opened my eyes. Looking around I saw my mom.

"Mom" I said low.

"Yes" She responded.

"What Happened?" I asked.

"You had a panic attack when you found Malik by your car" She say.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Honey When you found him.... He was already dead..." She said.

It felt like my heart skipped a beat. He was dead , but what about his sister.

"Could I have custody of his sister then?" I questioned.

"You could probably... But I'm letting you know now, she gonna be your responsibility" She responded.

The Doctor came in 5 minutes later and told everything that happened and that I can be released. Getting out the hospital, I went straight to pick up Harmony for Diamond's house.

Leaving Diamond's house, I went to the court house. Getting there, I went straight to the front desk.

"Hi, I need somebody to help me get custody of a child" I said.

"Well Are you the mother?"

"No, her mother idk if she's dead or alive and her brother is dead" I responded.

"I will have to ask Please go sit over there till I back" She says

Harmony and I sat down in the chairs. She tapped my arm.

"Im hungry"

"Ok when we leave here We will go get something to eat"

Harmony then laid on my lap and drifted off the sleep.


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