2 | Secrets

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I bit my lower lip as I waited. It was nine in the morning on Saturday. I held my coffee cup and glared at the door. That son of a...

He didn't come home last night. Didn't call. Didn't work late. Didn't anything. My blood was boiling in my veins. My green eyes were dark, too dark. I bit my teeth and I had never been this furious before. I was a volcano, ready to explode. I took deep breathes and tried to think happy thoughts. Dogs, cats, flowers, chocolate. A lot of chocolate. As I kept my eyes closed and started to smile, I heard the door open and a light crack from the floor echoed in the house. I opened my eyes and glared. It was him.

John looked at me in shock and coughed. He started to scratch his head while looking at me nervously.


"Don't Snowflake me! I've been worried sick all night long! Where the hell were you?!"

"Snowflake! I-I... I was working late. A bit too late-"

"Bullshit, John! I called your boss! He said you finished work early! EARLY?! Where the hell did you go?! You didn't even call or text me!"

John sighed and closed the door. He locked it and turned around slowly while I glared a death glare. I was prepared to get a knife. I was so mad. He gulped and walked a bit closer but stopped. He knew I was pissed.

"Fine. I was out with the boys. David, Ian and I went out because Helena and David are having a baby. We wanted to celebrate!"

"And then you go out, probably clubbing, and doesn't even tell your wife?! Nice judgement, John!"

I threw a candle at him and walked to the kitchen. As I walked there I knew I wouldn't let him get away with it.

"And you're sleeping in the guest room from now on!" I slammed the kitchen door so a painting fell down from the living room wall. A loud bang echoed through the house again as I prepared my breakfast. And John? He didn't dare to come to the kitchen. Especially not since I held a knife in my hand.


A couple of days later...

I danced in my dance studio and I smiled after every stepped. The feeling I felt in my body as I moved to the rhythm was amazing. The way I sensually moved my hips and danced with my hands above my head. I forgot where I was and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I imagined myself somewhere in South America, dancing on a carnival or a salsa club.
Dance with Snow dance school. This place was my life. My baby. My home. A place I built by my own without any help. I felt proud. Damn proud, every time I stepped my foot into this studio every morning.

I continued to dance. I was in my own world. Forgetting everything and everyone around me. Before I knew it, I felt two hands on my shoulder and someone who bit my neck hard. I screamed like a high school cheerleader, being spooked by one of the guys. I jumped and pushed the person away and tripped on my shoes. I couldn't believe it.


She just laughed at me just like she did in high school. She was a joker. Always scaring and playing around. Helena flipped her blond hair and winked.

"Got you, baby."

I rolled my eyes and got up. I couldn't say I had many friends. During the years I was so focused on my marriage and my dance school, I simply forgot to stay in touch with my old high school sweetheart friends. But I read the positive page in the book, I still had my two best friends in the whole world by my side, no matter what. We would do anything for each other. Sacrifice our souls. Yes, we're over dramatic but we loved each other.

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