Part 11 - Dire's Fate

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Dire walked out of his house in Salty Springs, smelling the fresh air for the first time in days as he's been healing from his stab wound from The Ice King. He looked around to see his neighbors, Shade and Maverick, sitting on the bench on the side of their house. He turned to see Onesie looking up at him smiling. "You sure you're ok to go to this concert? I mean, you still look terrible." Onesie asked Dire, concerned for his health.
"I'll be fine and besides, I got you with me." He responded putting his arm over her shoulder. They both walked over to Drift's house and knocked on the door. Dire wanted to see if they wanted to tag along. Cuddle Team Leader opened the door and saw Dire, who she still liked but since he's with Onesie she didn't say anything. "Oh, h-hey Dire, what's up?" She asked, stuttering.
"Hey CTL, do you and the others want to join us at Marshmello's concert tonight?" Dire asked. She went to tell the others who agreed to come, except for Rex who was gonna stay home due to his new girlfriend, Tricera Ops wanting to go to some new ice cream place near the racetrack. They all headed out and got in the golf cart but since there was five people, it was sorta cramped. They all made their way to Pleasant Park.

Polar Peak

The Ice Queen put The King's corpse on the round table. She was going to use her ice powers to revive him as she became worried of the kingdom. She began to heal his wounds and after hours of healing, he awoke and looked around. "Where am I? I was dead." He said looking at The Queen.
"I restored you, I need your help." She responded "The Iceberg is melting and I don't know how."
"Could it be... him?" The Ice King didn't just questioning it was him, he knew it was him. He quickly got off the table and walked down into the dungeon to see the Ice thawing to reveal a chained up figure. The ice around the figure began to melt fast, and the chains heated up. The figure was a prisoner in the dungeon. "The Ice King, an unbeatable god, nearly bested by a dog." The prisoner said has he ripped his hands away from the chains, freeing himself and walking off the pillar he was on. "You know I can see everything, there is no hiding, Ice King. I am more powerful than you." He said as his shackles and lock mask melted off of his body as his skin turned  grey with a lava flowing in his veins.
"Your arrogance is your demise, Fire King." The Ice King responded.
"We'll see." The Fire King. Turned into a ball off flame and shooting out of the dungeon.

Pleasant Park

Dire and the others were watching as Marshmello walked off stage thanking everyone for being there.
"See, I told you it would be fun." Dire said as he smirked as Onesie chuckled and put her head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess it was." She responded. Cuddle Team Leader looked over at Dire, her mask hiding the sadness and regret for not telling him she liked him. Sure she gave hints but any sort of love from him left when Rex said he liked her, but CTL turning him down. Dire turned to Onesie and looked at her as she fell asleep on his shoulder. He moved her head down onto his chest and laid back and looked up into the night sky. There was no more storm, or zombies, just peace. Dire dozed off and in what felt like seconds, woke up the next morning as the bright sunny sky strained his eyes. He looked around and saw no one, just the few workers packing stuff up for the concert. He looked to see that his Quad Crasher was gone. He just thought that everyone went home, so he started to walk and get worried that something happened. He got to Salty Springs within an hour or so and walked into Onesies house to find her watching a movie with Rex and Cuddle Team Leader, who was sleeping. Dire just looked at them "why was I left alone at Pleasant?!" Onesie turned around and was in shock and ran up to him crying and holding his shirt.
"I'm so sorry, I was so drunk and out of it last night that I forgot about you. I just woke up and my head is all over the place when they came over to check on me. Are you ok?" She said looking up at him. She was devastated at what she did but Dire accepted her apology.
"It's fine I just need to lay down." Dire said as he sat on the couch. Still breathing fast from walking so far. Dire's presence on the couch woke up CTL who immediately became really comfortable next to him. He didn't seem notice as he was caught in so much confusion of what happened. Dire relaxed for the rest of the day and eventually fell asleep on the couch.
Dire woke up yo see both CTL and Onesie laying up against him. He really didn't want to move so he just sat there, doing nothing. Suddenly a light turned on with a purple glow to reveal a girl sitting in a chair across from him. "Hi Dire." It was Fate, one of Omega's henchmen "I come to offer you something."
She said with an evil grin and dark tone of voice.
"Why would I work with a vile person like you. You work with the forces of darkness." Dire responded.
"Because, you don't, they will pay the price." She put her hand on CTL foot which angered Dire. He sat silently and nodded in agreement.
"Good, I need you to help me find Omen. He's gone missing and I know where he went but not here he is. That is where you come in. Use your werewolf powers to find him and bring him to me. If you succeed then I'll help you. Simple as that." She told Dire as a green portal opened behind her.
"And if I fail?"
"They will both die. And you will watch."
Dire kissed their foreheads and got up and began to walk through the portal, entering into a different world.

Hey guys I just wanted to say sorry for not posting parts as fast as I used to. Recently I've had some troubles with depression and some things in my life that have been shitty. Also Dire will be absent from this story for awhile as he went into the other story I'm starting. It will be a quick 2 part story but it will be VERY action packed. Anyways thanks for understanding and I'll see you whenever I make the next one.

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