Part 3 - Paradise

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Dire and the rest all made it to Paradise Palms. It was quiet like a ghost town. They make it to the pool where a life guard lets them in. The pool was a very clean and healthy blue. Everyone started to change and get in. While Dire was putting down his sword he notice someone walking up to the room he was changing in. It was hard to see but they had metallic boots on and wore dark pants. The person stood there for a few seconds and just walked away. Dire didn't think much of it as he's seen weirder things. Dire walked out wearing dark red swimming shorts that Drift got for him.
"Fits you perfectly." Drift says, giving him a thumbs up. "Come in the waters not that bad actually."

Dire gets in the water and starts to relax for the first time in awhile. No danger, no sadness or anger, just peace. Dire sits in the water with his eyes closed, smiling at the thought of happiness for the first time in his life. CTL comes up to him and sits to his right as Dire looks at her with sigh as he hugs her, making her almost faint. Drift was sitting on the other side talking to Brite Bomber as Rex told CTL to go to him. As this happened Dire felt someone poke is shoulder. He looked to his right and was met by the metal boots. He slowly looks up to see a dark figure.
"Hello dire, I'm the Raven." They said with a echoey voice.
"What do you want?" Dire asked.
"You can't stay here, you must keep moving." Raven responded.
"Why? I love it here."
"You can't stay, for you must head northeast to a small farm. Meet the person there and they can help you control your werewolf."
Dire thought about what he said and accepted went to change back into his Jacket and jeans. He went to say goodbye to his friends.
"So will we see each other again?" Drift questioned.
"Most definitely." Dire responded, walking away. They all looked sad especially CTL. He could tell she was heartbroken but he couldn't do anything for he must leave and complete his mission.

3 Hours Later

Dire finally fines the farm. He walks up and knocks on the door. A few moments later a girl opens the door and looks at him.
"Yes?" She said "What do you want?"
"I'm looking for the person who can help me with the werewolf issue." Dire responded.
"Come in." She said letting him in the house. "I'm Calamity, who are you?"
"My name is Dire."
"Well ok then Dire, take a seat and we'll see if I can help you."

It is now night time and the things Calamity told Dire to do are working.He is starting to hold it back. Then he stops. It's gone, he can't feel the wolf. Calamity looks at him with a smile. "Good job Dire, now you can go or you can stay here for the night, it's your call."
"I'll stay here and besides, it's pretty dark out."
Dire and Calamity eat dinner and to watch tv. Calamity has only known Dire for a few hours and she believes she has a crush on him already. While they are watching tv, Calamity goes to put her head on his shoulder and he quickly moved. "Sorry I'll move." Dire didn't feel the same as he thought that love left you vulnerable. She looked up at him as she laid on the couch. "So Dire."
"Do you have a girlfriend?" Dire became uncomfortable at the thought of the question.
"No, why?"
"Oh well I thought we could hang out more." Dire looked at her.
"Maybe, but not for awhile. I have to get back to my friends." Calamity looked disappointed but accepting.

It was the next morning. Dire woke up on the couch to see Calamity sleeping on top of him. He quickly snuck out from underneath her and left a note for her on the table. He gather his belongings and set off to his find his friends.

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