Part 6 - The Ice Kingdom

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As they all got to the top of the giant iceberg Dire begins to notice something about the castle that was hidden within the peak. The castle was not abandoned due to torches being lit with a blue flame and foot prints leading between the buildings. Dire turned around and looked at the group. "Stay on your guard, we are not alone." They all nod and walk into the main entrance of the castle. They were greeted by two people wear a white coat with blue markings. They walked into to the main hall where they saw a man get thrown to the ground. He was wearing heavy metal armor and a giant skull of an ancient creature on his head, with a blue beard and long hair around the edge. He looked defeated and hurt, but as he looked up he was met by a sword being driven into his spine, killing him instantly. "I'm disappointed Ragnarok, you were said to be a god and yet you fell like all the others." The man pulled the sword out from his back and threw it aside. He walked back to his icicle covered throne and sat down with a sigh. As they walked up to the throne, passing the body in the middle of the room there was a woman, similar to the body, with blue hair and blue glowing eyes. She looked tired as she was tied to a chain from her neck to the arm of the throne. "Welcome to my kingdom young travelers. I am the Ice King, ruler of the Iceberg. Oh and yeah, sorry about the mess." He said as his guards take the body out of the room. The Ice king was a very massive figure, wearing a set of heavy blue armor with a hood that has a built in crown. His eyes deep blue with icicles hanging from them. "Who was that?" Drift asked the king as he pointed towards the body.
"That was Ragnarok. He was apparently a god that had lived for thousands of years as the original ruler of ice, but now that title has being given to me. I had no use for him so I executed him. Now who are you?"
Many hours go by and as the group is leaving The Ice King looks at his guards "I don't wan't anyone to know of what I did to Ragnarok. We must kill them." The Ice King picks up his mace ands starts to sprint towards Dire and the group. A large fight begins has Dire and the others fight off the kingdoms forces. Dire starts to clash with the king and as Dire began to get the upper hand, Ice King summons his sword that flies to him electrocuting everyone in its path. Dire avoids it but it swings past Cuddle Team Leader, cutting her side open causing her to fall down. This angered Dire causing him to start his transformation into a werewolf. With his powers, Dire ripped the sword out of the kings hands and throwing it aside. They then fought hand to hand until The Ice King got his mace and tripped Dire.
"This world will be covered by the winter, and nothing can stop it." As he was about to crush Dires head with the mace the sword swings through the kings waist, look down with shock as his body fell in two, turning the snow red. The Ice King looked at the sky in his last few moments as it began to snow. Dire looked at the person who killed to see that it was Ragnarok who was near death. "Ice has to melt eventually." He chuckled as he ran into the castle with the sword. Dire then got up to go help Cuddle Team Leader out of the battle. He picked her up and ran to the outpost down the side of the iceberg. He turned back into a human and took his bandana and used it as a bandage for her wound. He looked up at the castle to see that the fighting has stopped due to a rift taking away the kingdom dwellers. Drift and the others ran down to see Cuddle Team Leaders condition. They take her to Field Surgeon and Triage Trooper in Tilted Towers. "How is she?" Rex asks them.
"Not good, the swords impact wasn't that deep but the electric power of the blade almost fried her nerves." They respond sounding saddened. Dire couldn't even be in the same room because he knew that it was his fault that this happened. He kept pacing outside thinking of what he's gonna do.
He walked into her room and looked at her with sadness and guilt. He took his sword off and left it next to her bed and kissed her forehead and walked out of Tilted.

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