Chapter 12: Different Genre

Start from the beginning

Dark Elf: "Give us the strength to fend them off."

Me: "I'll do you one better. I'll take care of the army, you won't have to lift a finger."

She quickly looked up at me with wide eyes.

Dark Elf: "My father said your power was vast... but this army numbers in the thousands. Could you truly defeat them on your own?"

Me: "It's child's play at this point. My power has only grown since I've been here last. I'll wipe them out with little effort... as always."

I sighed and motioned for them to stop kneeling. As they stood up I walked forward.

Me: "When do they get here?"

Dark Elf: "They... they are approaching as we speak."

[Time Skip, Brought to You by Chibi (Y/N) Reading While Being Attacked by a Metal Gear Rex]

I walked through the portal into my lab and sighed. Someone walked through with me. The dark elf that had summoned me to her world. After I had taken care of the human army she had insisted on coming with me to learn my level of magic. I had told her no at least thirty times but she refused to accept that as an answer. So in the end I brought the mage with me.

Me: "If I'm gonna be training you I suppose I should know your name."

Nalalie: "It's Nalalie Veloone. I am the only daughter of Taranel R'im."

Me: "I suppose you took your mother's last name then. Your old man was the one who taught me magic. He was a great teacher."

Nalalie: "It brings joy to my being to hear one such as you say that. When shall we start my training?"

Me: "Later. I have a few errands to run."

Nalalie: "I see. May I accompany you on these tasks?"

I thought for a moment.

Me: "I suppose. You should get used to the technological scale of this world as soon as possible."

She nodded, but I knew she didn't exactly understand what I had said. After I grabbed a few things and changed my clothes we set out into the city of Vale. At first Nalalie was absolutely amazed at everything around her. Cars, neon signs, and even the scrolls people were using. But after an hour or so she got used to it however I had to explain most of everything to her. My first errand was collecting some metals for a project I'd be starting soon, next was to set up a bank account on this world. Next was to go to a book store and collect history books. And lastly was to pick up an item I had requested to be made by a local weaponsmith. I had decided to get Ariana a weapon, even though she usually just relied on hand to hand combat.

[Time Skip, Brought to You by Chibi Blake Running From a Hellhound]

Me: "Focus. Your mana capacity isn't high enough to preform my level of spells, so we need to expand it."

Currently Nalalie was hooked up to one of my machines that generates mana at very high levels. She was meditating while hooked up to the device but the concentration of mana was far beyond what she was used to. Her face showed distress but she was enduring it.

Me: "Outside distractions are a certainty when in battle, you must get used to the sound of voices while trying to focus on your mana."

I suddenly slammed my foot down and created a loud thud. She jumped and the mana around her began to destabilize.

Me: "You must drown out the distractions, otherwise the machine WILL kill you."

She slowly began to get everything back under control.

Me: "Of course if this is too much for you to handle you can always go home. It's just a portal away after all."

Nalalie: "N-No! This is not beyond my reach!"

Me: "Then focus. Take the mana into your body and hold it, do not, under any circumstances, let it overflow. Expand your mind and understanding of everything arcane. Imagine the structure of a spell, the runes that correspond with each element. The pool of energy one taps into in order to summon upon that power."

Slowly the mana began to seep into the Dark Elf's body. She flinched and tensed up.

Me: "Do not strain. You must relax otherwise you'll pass out. Relax, think of pleasant memories."

She took a few deep breaths and began to relax.

Me: "Tell me, did your father ever tell you stories of my time in your world?"

I could see a small smile appear on her face.

Nalalie: "Yes. In fact it was difficult to get him to speak of anything else at times. He would praise you endlessly for your wisdom and strength. He said you mastered spells that took him years to control, in mere minutes."

I could see the mana start to stabilize more and more.

Nalalie: "When I was just a child he would tell me stories of a god in a mortal body, who knew no fear. He told me if our race was ever in danger, to call upon him and he would return without fail. Then my father showed me that item he was given by you."

I nodded. I only gave out a few transmitters, and only to people who I thought were okay.

Me: "I had never met a Dark Elf as optimistic as your old man. Most elves live under oppression and ridicule so seeing one with a different perspective on life was refreshing."

We were silent for a moment while I waited for the mana to work it's way through her body.

Nalalie: "Tell me, did you truly defeat a Dracolich on your own?"

I had to think for a moment. I mean I've killed so many monsters that it's had to recall all of them. Suddenly I remembered what she was talking about.

Me: "Yeah, it was the one that lived in a huge underground cavern north of your city. It wasn't that hard to kill, but the undead around it plus it throwing spells at me made it difficult to get in close to it. I think I managed to use a speed boosting skill that let me blow through the undead, then I used a great hammer to smash it to pieces."

Nalalie: "You truly are a god."

Me: "No. I'm the furthest thing from it. I'm human."

I sighed.

Me: "I am unfortunately susceptible to something called logic. I do not fight for ideals, nor a moral code. I do what I feel is the most entertaining, and what I believe will be the most difficult. You may want to drop your high expectations for me. I am not a hero."

I slowly walked over to the switch on the machine and turned it off.

Me: "Go get some rest. We'll begin training tomorrow."

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