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Disclaimer - I do not own any of the creative material associated with The Vampire Diaries or The Originals, nor will I ever. I own only this story, its OCs and alternative plot lines. All credit to the owners and, as for what is mine, hands and keyboards off.


"Elena is going to be sacrificed on an altar of fire by an original vampire."

Lana Bennett had been enjoying her day. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. All was good in the world. Until she answered her damn phone.

"I've been gone three months," Lana started, dragging herself up in bed.

"But Elena i-" Bonnie tried to interject.

"I heard," she snapped. "And I said I've been gone three damn months. And in that time, you and your friends have managed to attract the attention of one of the most dangerous vampires alive. What in seven hells have you lot been doing?" 

"Well, you would know if you had stayed in Mystic Falls."

Silence reigned for a moment.

Quietly sighing, Lana carefully began, "Bonnie-"

"I'm sorry, " Bonnie quickly cut in. "That was uncalled for and not why I called you." She paused briefly before echoing Lana's sigh with one of her own. "I know staying in Mystic Falls after Grams died was difficult. I didn't want to be here either and you were so much closer to her than me. But I realised that running away is not the answer and my friends need me. If you knew what's been happening since you've been gone, you would understand that they can't handle this on their own. And neither can I."

And with that, Bonnie began to explain the events that had passed in the months since Lana had abandoned Mystic Falls. After the eradication of the tomb vampires, Lana had cut all ties with her home town, save for her calls to her cousin. But these calls had been strictly censored to avoid the drama that came hand in hand with the scooby gang of Mystic Falls. Until now at least. Lana listened as Bonnie chronicled the arrival of Katherine to Elena's kidnapping at the masquerade ball. Then came Elijah, the original that came to bargain but lied and payed for it with a silver dagger coated in white ash. All the way to the town's newest and arguably most formidable arrival, Klaus.

These months long events all narrowed down into a ten minute explanation left Lana's brain spinning with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation. How could one little town attract so much trouble? And that was excluding the presence of, not one, but two of the original family of vampires. Regardless of whether one of them was now aiding the Mystic Falls gang.

"-so we have enough vampire muscle on our side and while I'm now channelling the dead witches power, I was hoping to have a little back up of my own," Bonnie finished.

Lana nodded along vacantly before Bonnie's ending remark caught up with her. "Wait, what?"

"Lana!" Bonnie huffed, "Weren't you listening?"

"Oh I was listening, not quite comprehending. Bonnie, can't you see that this is the reason I left that damn town? Moreover, it's why you should as well. In fact, I'm tempted to come back just to drag you here to Richmond with me."

"Lana, no!" Bonnie automatically protested, "I can't run from this. My friends need me and I will not leave them behind."

"Bonnie, you need to listen to me," Lana insisted, "I've been in this life longer than you so believe me when I say you can't do this. Never mind the fact that you are going up against Klaus, whose reputation for death and destruction is legendary by the way. But channelling the kind of power needed to kill an original vampire, let alone a hybrid, without something to act as a conduit will kill you. Do you not understand? I just want you safe!"

"So help me. You said it yourself, you've been studying magic since you were five years old. You know more than me about this kind of magic. With that knowledge, we can beat Klaus together!"

"No! Bonnie, that's enough. I am not going to let you do this. You are coming to Richmond with me and that's final. This is exactly why witches should stay out of vampire business."

But it wasn't final. Because Bonnie had had enough.

"Stop trying to sound like Grams!" Bonnie snapped, breathing slightly heavily. "You're worried about me. I get it. But just stop trying to be her. I know Grams made you promise to take care of me but that does not mean you have the right to decide what I do with my life. I love you but this is my choice. I just need you to stand with me on this. Just please, help me."

Lana just sat there stunned, her phone held frozen against her ear. Never had Bonnie spoken to her like that. At least not with that conviction. It seems her little cousin had grown up quite a bit in the time that she had been gone. Furthermore, was Lana really being controlling? She just wanted to protect her cousin from the darker side of the supernatural world. Where the good guys regularly lost and death tolls were often high. Had she truly crossed a line this time?

Unfortunately, Lana's opportunity to find out had run its course. She had stayed silent too long and Bonnie had taken it as an answer.

Next came a huff of frustration before the utterance, "Fine. I'll do it myself then." Then all Lana heard was a dial tone.

Damn it, she thought. Lana pulled her phone away from her ear to confirm that Bonnie had indeed hung up on her. And all Lana could feel was that she was a world class bitch. Ever since she had first met her younger cousin, Lana had encouraged her to pursue her own independence. Her path was her own. A statement that Lana had quoted to Bonnie on many occasions. 'Screw what others thought' was another. And what had Lana just done? Never had she felt like such a hypocrite in her life.

Despite what Lana had implied, she knew wholeheartedly that Bonnie was capable of taking care of herself. She knew the limits of her powers. A practise that Lana herself had drilled into her cousin after their Grams' passing. And it was in that knowledge and acceptance of her own shortcomings, Bonnie had wisely chosen to reach out to her cousin for aid. And was inadvertently denied.

Lana's heart clenched painfully in realisation. She really was a hypocrite. Now was the time to fix her mistake.

Stealing herself with a sense of resignation, Lana dragged herself over to her closet and pulled out a change of clothes. Stylish but comfortable to travel in.

As travelling she was. 

All the way back to Mystic Falls.

Already, she was regretting this.

Already, she was regretting this

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