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I am so sorr for the lack of updates you guys! I have three things to say. 1. I HAVE ALMOSY 200 READS! HOW THE FUDGE IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! 2. I will be updating VERY SOON! I am starting school, and I have a lot of books that I need to finish, update, and edit, so it is kinda hard to keep up with every one of them. 3. IF YOU KNOW HOW TO PUT PICTURES ON EVERYONE OF THE PAGES, PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS! I would love to use the info for not only this story, but my other ones as well, to make them that much better! Once again, thank you all so much for all the support on this book, it means so much, I love u all, and PEACE!

(whats funny is when I started to put in PEACE, Preston was a word that popped up! Also, when I just put in popped, I put jn pooped accidentally XD Da lawlz doods, da lawlz)

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