#1 | Donor Song

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Fandom ||  Vocaloid

Gumi's eyes were bright and she wore a proud smile as she looked over her twitter page. Using her right thumb to scroll through, liking the tweets sent by her fans, she read over everything, some even twice. Gumi, like most other vocaloids, loves to interact with her fans, so she makes sure to reply to everything, even if all she comments is a simple heart, she wants her fans to know that she is here and reading their tweets. She always does the same for all her social medias.

As she was reading everything, a specific tweet caught her eye, one from a fan by the twitter username 'Connor Canan'. His tweet was quite long, it started the same as every other fan tweet, however, as the tweet progressed Gumi found herself feeling low. The smile on her face grew into a look or worry, and her eyes that were once bright grew dull and glossy. It took so much will power for her to hold back from crying as she read through the tweet.

"Hello! I'm Connor. I've finally mustered up the courage to send this, mainly because I'm not sure if I'll ever have a better chance than now.  I have been a HUGE fan of yours for some time now, maybe around 6 or 7 years. I was, I think, 9 years old when I first discovered vocaloid, and you were instantly my favorite. Your gorgeous vocals and amazing dancing really drew me to you, plus my favorite color has always been green, I guess that's why you caught my eye so quickly. I just want to tell you how much you've changed my life, your music has gotten me through so much, and you have no idea how much that means to me. It was your music that always made me feel better, especially after I had ended up hospitalized due to certain organ failures. I've been under treatment for around a year now, which is why I finally decided to do this. I was always to afraid, since I never know what to say, but I don't know if I will get another chance to. I've been told that without a organ donation that their may not be any way for me to get better. So, just in case I don't get another chance to send this, I just want to tell you how much you mean to me. Thank you for being the best you that you can be, you're the best!"

Only posted an hour ago, she quickly commented hoping to receive a reply. 

"Hey, Connor. It's Gumi. I wanted to know if you'd be willing to send me the address of the hospital where you're staying? I'd love to come visit you, just to see how you're doing. I'm really sorry about how sick you are, and if it's even the slightest thing I can do to make you feel better I wanna be able to meet you! You've gotta be like 15 or 16 now, right? Glad to hear you're a long time fan! <3 Yeah, when you see this just let me know if it sounds like something you'd wanna arrange, with parental approval of course!"

A few moment later her phone buzzed with a notification, more specifically, a reply from Connor. She smiled, knowing that he saw the comment made her feel a sense of calm.

"Oh wow! I knew you'd reply, but this? This is a dream come true for me, and my parents said they were totally cool, the doctors too! I'll send you the location of the hospital, so feel free to come by and visit anytime! :)"

Gumi became very cheerful, the moment she received the address she headed that way. She made sure to tell Dex, who was the first person she'd seen, to tell anyone who asked that she had gone out for a bit. And without even bothering to grab a jacket, she left. When she arrived at the hospital she hastily asked for Connor's room and went to meet him.

He was laying in the hospital bed, he was very pale and thin, he had gorgeous green eyes and his blonde hair was messy. "Hi, Connor..." Gumi spoke softly as she entered to room and smiled. His face lit up when he saw her. "You really came?" His voice cracked every few seconds, he sounded tired and out of breath. "I sure did! I didn't wanna pass up an opportunity to get to meet one of my biggest fans! Mind if we take a picture together?" He nodded in response and the two snapped a quick picture together, Gumi winking and giving a peace sign, Connor had a happy grin and for a moment some color came back to his face. Gumi smiled when she saw the picture.

The two spent a while talking, and every now and then a nurse would come in to check a few things, Gumi felt happy knowing she was able to make him feel better. Unfortunately her happiness wouldn't last, he died later that evening while Gumi was there. She felt terrible at the lose of Connor, but knowing she was able to bring a real smile back to his face even only for a few moments made her feel a little better. Gumi said a few words in his memory before going home. As soon as she arrived back home she began writing lyrics to a new song, she titled it 'Donor Song' and wrote it in memory of Connor and for any fans who may be suffering or know someone suffering from organ failure. To this day 'Donor Song' still means so much to her.

Gumi always finds herself crying when live preforming the song or hearing it play, she is reminded of Connor and can't help but feel a sense of peace. She knows he's somewhere special now, and his spirit will always live on in her heart and in 'Donor Song'.

One Shots ♥ || Vol. 01Where stories live. Discover now