Chapter twenty one

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Stacey Jensen

I've been so busy today in the office that I haven't had time to eat. My stomach is growling calling to me to feed it. I should go grab something before Ryan finds out and snap at me again. He is adamant about my eating habits and acts like a drill Sergeant when it comes to food. He has even put Kelsey on feeding duty and informed him if I had skipped a meal.  Which she had happily agreed to. I think it's more of having a famous person's cellphone number programmed into hers.

As promised we took the children to the ice cafe and then to the park. Luckily there weren't a lot of people around and Ryan could take his ever-present cap off. The children enjoyed themselves and made a few new friends. When their parents came over to introduce themselves Ryan would quickly put the cap back on and keep his face downcast. I have no idea if he had asked the children not to say his name out loud and who he is. They seem to be tight-lipped and introduced him just as a dad. I on the other hand had to make eye contact and was forced to make conversation. There was one guy in particular who was there with his son and when he had stared too long at me, Ryan became agitated. And as hard as I had tried to nip the conversation the man just brought up a new topic. I was starting to worry especially when Ryan was making a move to stand up from his seating position. I have no idea what he was going to do but then the man's son had fallen from the jungle Jim and he went running. And was cussing up a storm about how his ex is going to use the incident against him. I on the other hand was relieved or we would be facing a giant media shit storm.

Ryan's mood took a nosedive after that and he remained sullen. I don't blame him for the attitude. He has to hide when he is with us. I have no idea why the team publicist is dragging her feet. She was supposed to get back to him over the weekend about a date for a press release. And when Ryan had called her numerous times she was brisk, busy, and in a hurry to end the call. It's as if she doesn't want the world to know that Ryan has children. And it's getting to him. If that woman doesn't do something as soon as possible then Ryan is going to do it himself. Or I will just have to get dad involved. He has a fleet of people who can do what Knight's publicist won't do.

We spent hours at the Park then we stopped at McDonald's for burgers and milkshakes and then went home. I was filled with dread the second we entered the house. We were going to continue the conversation that got interrupted when the children came upstairs. I prayed in my head that the children would stay up late but the day out had drained all their energy and in less than an hour were unconscious to the world. I was safe from the pending talk when Ryan received an urgent call and emails that needed his attention. I have no idea what business a professional soccer player has on a Sunday night. But he told me it could take a few hours because he had calls to make and things to sort out on his laptop. And as soon as he is done, then he will come to my bedroom. I offered my home office and he graciously accepted. I was just relieved to escape the conversation.

I waited until he was an hour into his work when I made him a large mug of coffee along with a big piece of chocolate fudge cake. When I walked into the office he was deep in conversation and typing on his laptop. The serious frown edge on his forehead instantly disappeared upon my entering the room and a smile took precedence. I had placed the tray next to him. He silently mouthed a thank you and then slapped me on my ass in a playful manner as I turn to leave. I was so surprised and just smiled and shook my head. He use to do it a lot when we were dating. It felt familiar and like old times. The landline in my work office snaps me out of my silent thoughts. I put the receiver to my ear.

"You didn't wait up for me" comes Ryan's instant accusatory tone from the other side. I roll my eyes knowing he can't see me. No hello, and how is your day? "I was tired" and I truly was. It was past twelve already when I gave up and went to sleep. "I bet you were" he dryly states "What's that supposed to mean?" I snap. "Nothing" comes his immediate response. I can hear the humor in his voice. "Did you eat?" Comes next not giving me a chance to speak. And he is back to being serious. "I was just about to head out to lunch" I dutifully inform him. "Where are you going?" What the hell is he my boss? And why is he sounding so demanding? "A deli just down the road," I say not in the mood to argue about his forceful nature. "Are Jacky and Kelsey going too?" Now he sounds worried. Geez does he ever relax? "Is everything okay?" I ask and a long drawn-out sigh comes over the phone. "Yes, baby everything is fine. I just worry about you" he admits sounding as if he is in anguish. I'm still reeling from the jolt when he called me baby in that sexy rough tone of voice of his. "You have nothing to worry about. I have a highly specialized trained security detail with me" I say hoping it will calm his paranoia. "I will always worry over you and our children. You guys are my life now and I will do anything in my power to keep my family safe" he says with so much conviction, I can feel it in my soul. "Okay, but could you worry less and relax a bit? What are you and Con up to?" I say changing the conversation? He is quiet for a bit before answering. "Playing on RJ's Xbox," he says and I visualize the two of them acting like two teenagers trying to best each other. "Okay enjoy but please don't do anything different on that thing. Your son is very particular about certain things and his game sets are on the top of the list" I playfully warn. He chuckles and tells me to enjoy lunch and end the call. I've just put the receiver back when Kelsey and Jacky come barging in. "Lunch!" Kelsey exclaims out loud and I nod my head smiling. "Sure," I say and grab my purse.

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