548 13 0

Ryan Kavanaugh

I've been biting my tongue to stop myself from saying anything that could ruin the day. The second I watched her walking down the stairs, I wanted to demand that she turn her sexy ass around and go change. And requested she go put on a burlap sack. I can only imagine how that power play would've gone. But I am in no position at telling Stacey how to dress. Is she trying to kill me and better yet send my ass to jail? I am going to throw punches left and right today. Why is she doing this to me? The damn outfit she is wearing is screaming for male attention and she's going to get it. Which infuriate me to no end. Stacey looks sexy as hell, I'll admit to that. It urges me to drag her to the nearest dark corner and bend her over. Shit! She is doing this whole I'm too sexy innocent act on purpose. The damn top and jeans are so full of holes, it's a wonder there is a market for them. And it gets sold. It should also come with a health hazard warning. Something like staring will give men boners and heart attacks. I might not suffer from a heart attack but I am sporting a boner. Which I hope has deflated once we have reached our destination. I want to tear the clothes off of her body and burn them. Maybe take a trip through her walk-in closet and add more to the burning pile. Especially those half-naked skimpy dresses I saw on her father's Facebook pages. It is still etched into my brain.

"Are you cold?" I say ask and hope that she would answer yes. It's crazy I know because it's fucking hot out here. I'm fuming and the damn clutch is getting all of my frustrated anger. What made my mood worse was when my princess told her mother that she looks fierce. I do not doubt in my mind that she has picked up that word from her mother and whoever else had said it in her presence. "No, I'm not" Stacey finally says and there is irritation in her tone. I am somehow getting my damn way during the day. Even if it pisses her off. "I have a coat in the booth" I offer trying my luck one last time but no dice. The looks she sends me are enough to kill a lesser man. "No, thanks" Stacey barks and stares straight ahead. "Mommy Rae, Rae is kicking me" my princess complains breaking me from my murderous thoughts. Stacey turns around in her seat and skews Raelyn with one of those stern school teachers' looks which makes her immediately apologize. "Sorry Jay" she squeaks like a scared little mouse and I have to try hard not to burst out laughing. "You better keep your amusement to yourself" Stacey silently threatens beside me and I chance a look in her direction and the same stern teacher expression is aimed at me. What the hell did I do? I wanna say but keep from opening my mouth. This is going to be a long day.

We decided on lunch at Ashley's family restaurant. It has a nice kiddie's corner and coloring books and crayons are given to the children upon arrival. It's where they are currently at and enjoying playing with the other children. Stacey and I had steak with all of the trimmings and the children wanted pizza and their mother ordered chicken nuggets on the side for them. I hate this damn cap pressed deep into my face. I would like to have a decent conversation with Stacey without having to hide. I sometimes hate my life and the career I had chosen. "I need to use the ladies" Stacey suddenly says and excuses herself from the table. My anger is hanging on by a thread when I have to watch strange fuckers ogling Stacey's tits and ass. It's the damn clothes. A few single dads have been placing bets on who has the guts to slip their number at my woman. They haven't been exactly quiet about it and are sitting one damn table from us. Are they blind? I'm sitting right here. Stacey gave me that, don't do anything look. I wait until Stacey disappears out of sight and then I make my move. They had only infuriated me more with the crude nasty remarks when Stacey had walked past them. I don't understand how Stacey can be immune to all of the bullshit around her. It's like it doesn't bother her at all. A lot of these women have also been giving Stacey the stink eye. They are either jealous of my woman or pissed that the assholes a table away aren't paying them any attention. This is typical high school behavior. Some people don't grow out of it.

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