The demon in the mountain 2 - Roman & Patton & Logan & Virgil

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"Why; this is very generous of you all" he admitted, putting down Virgil's bag to see what was inside of Patton's first. He gasped when he realised it was packed with a bunch of different clothing. "Oh, you didn't have to do this!" He exclaimed, holding the bag up with the hook on his wing, digging around the bag and pulling out the first clothing articles he could. It was a soft blue t-shirt with small, cartoon pictures of dogs dotted across it. He smiled, eyes burning with tears at the kindness he was retrieving from people he didn't deserve.

Clearing his throat, he smiled at the three who all sent their own type of smile back, Patton's being the brightest of them all. Putting down the bag, Roman flattened his wings to his back, tugged off his shirt that was connected by a few strands and put on the new one. The holes in the back of the top was Logan's idea - well, he remembered last minute so Virgil was able to cut out holes and stitch fabric around them so they wouldn't rip any further, perfect holes for his wings to slide through, and they did, quite seamlessly.

Patton gasped, elated. "Awh!" He gushed, rushing over and smoothing out the top against Roman's body. "It looks perfect!"

"Definitely an improvement" Logan agreed, not really appealed to the t-shirt in anyway, but that was besides the point, Roman actually had clothes again. "Oh, this is wonderful!" He complimented, ruffling Patton's hair before picking up the bag with his wing and searching through for some trousers. Instead, he pulled out white dungarees which made him chuckle and shoot a grin at Patton, remembering he was wearing this the last time they met. Well, the first time they met.

Roman slid off his trousers without shame and strapped on the dungarees, admiring himself as much as he could by looking down at his body. "Wow" he breathed, grinning at the three boys. "I already feel more like myself"

"You do!?" After Roman nodded Patton cheered, throwing his arms up into the air. Afterwards, he tried on the other outfits. There were three pairs of jeans - one white, one black, and one red - and four tops, each different colours and holding different designs. Roman's favourite out of them all was the red jeans and the white t-shirt with the embroidered crown on the centre.

He then pulled on some black socks and black shoes before standing up straight and waiting for the others approval. "You. Look. Amazing!" Patton instantly clapped his hands a few times in excitement, eyes scanning his body speedily. "Eh, too bright, but I guess it's alright" Virgil joked, shooting the demon a smirk. Roman smirked back, giving them all a little twirl which made Patton whistle and clap again with loud laughter.

"I suppose you look adequate. Better than before" Roman thanked the nerd and they finally moved onto Virgil's bag. "Ooo!" Roman pulled out the blanket and wrapped it around his body, snuggling his face against the fluffy fur. "This is perfect" Roman smiled up at Virgil after Patton said it was his - "you'd give this to me?" Roman asked in a soft tone. Virgil shrugged and scratched his neck - "I need it more than me"

Roman stood up and swooped Virgil into a hug, wrapping him in not only his arms, but the blanket and his wings, too. Patton cooed while Virgil blushed and awkwardly hugged back.

With the blanket still draped across his shoulders, Roman pulled out the bottles of shampoo and soap, eyeing them with a risen eyebrow. "I have a feeling this is a subtle hint.." Roman drifted jokingly, but Patton didn't catch on and shook his head. "oh, gosh no! We just thought you'd want...well, we" Patton sighed out, frustrated. "It's apple scented!" He ended it on, shaking his head and inwardly calling himself an idiot.

Roman chuckled and stood up, bringing Patton into an affectionate side hug. "Has Logan ever told you how adorable you are?" Roman winked, turning back to the bag while the two glasses-wearing dorks blushed and shared glances.

"Is" Roman finally picked up the last that was in the bag, raising an eyebrow curiously at Virgil who shrugged. "Just...incase...y'know" he awkwardly mumbled, gesturing to it flimsily. Roman smiled and placed everything back inside apart from the soap and shampoo. "I can't thank you enough" he admitted, holding the two bottles to his chest. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I haven't had a wash with soap for years" with that, he turned on his heel and flew out of the cave, leaving the three boys to turn to each other and start conversation.

"Told you he was sweet" Patton instantly piped up, making his two friends roll their eyes. "You think everyone is sweet" Logan replied back, adjusting his glasses.

Patton shook his head stubbornly. "Not true! I don't like the baker!"

"Because he accidentally stepped on a dogs foot" Virgil responded, "he apologised and hugged the dog afterwards!" He added on in exasperation. Patton shrugged and mumbled, 'he hurt the dog, it's what he gets'. The three all sat against the rocky walls and conversed while waiting for their favourite demon to return - all agreeing to never leave him alone for extended periods of time ever again.

Finally, two hours later, they heard the flap of wings and turned towards the entrance to see Roman landing on the jutted-out land, hair dry and this time fluffy and bouncy. "Ooo! It looks so soft!" Patton awed, reaching up to poke it. Roman grinned delightfully, running a hand through it, lavishing in how it felt. "Oh, I know! Isn't it just perfect!?" He couldn't wipe the grin from his face. "Now!" He hurried over to the bag, pulling out the makeup.

"Virgil? Will you do the honours?" The boy looked away from his phone in surprise, swallowing. "I'm not that good.." he drifted, but succumbed and agreed, sitting Roman down and perching in front of the demon who grinned in happiness - something he hadn't felt for...years.

Patton and Logan watched, sitting beside each other, Patton wearing a content smile while Logan just looked relaxed. Roman closed his eyes and bathed in the feeling of human contact, Patton rested his hand atop of Logan's. When the boy turned to stare at him in confusion, Patton just smiled, hugged his hand and kept them there, together. Logan didn't mind - in fact he intertwined their hands and smiled.

"You're eyes are cool" Virgil commented out of the blue. But, he was right - he really did think Roman's red eyes were extraordinary. Roman slowly opened them and smiled, "why; thank you, Virgil. Your eyes are cool, too"

"Why? They're just shit brown" he waved off, but Roman shook his head and cupped Virgil's cheeks, making him tense, goosebumps rising across his skin. Peering closely at his eyes, Roman's face lighted up - "they're a beautiful brown" Roman murmured, "in fact...they're more than just brown, they're golden rays circling an eclipse" Roman complimented without a beat of hesitation. Virgil felt his stomach churn - but in the best way possible. With his cheeks feeling hotter than before, he didn't respond and carried on with the makeup, but sent Roman a small smile, one he picked up on and returned.

Ten minutes later Roman was complete, looking at himself in Virgil's phone's camera. "I look absolutely glorious!" He exclaimed, fluttering his wings and gliding around in the air, giggling happily. "With the help of you all" he finally settled down, walking up to them again.

"Admittedly, I didn't want you to return...I would rather you live your best lives without me involved but now..." he drifted, eyes slight - "you can never escape me!" He then rushed forward, clearly excited. "And now we shall be friends forever!"

"But...aren't you immortal?" Patton worried, not wanting to eventually leave him to death. Roman smiled sadly and held Patton's hands. "Yes; but why waste my immortality alone when I could spent just a fraction with people I have grown to adore?"

Although the idea of growing old without Roman initially made Patton upset, the years they all spent together were years he would never change for the world.

Finally finished the part two!


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