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'iv'e been drowning for a long time'

                             EIRENE SINCLAIR HAS ALWAYS BEEN the type of person to fight her problems and in some rare cases force people to fight them for her, it helps that she has never been any good at anything else

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          EIRENE SINCLAIR HAS ALWAYS BEEN the type of person to fight her problems and in some rare cases force people to fight them for her, it helps that she has never been any good at anything else. She does not have a sharp eye for archery or any long ranged weapons, nor does she have nimble enough fingers for weaving or sewing. The strawberry fields had always been a no go zone as any fruit she attempted to grow or help tended to have an odd tendency to go sour, the woodland nymphs never liked her so footracing was a dangerous game to play. Her attempts to prank the stoll brothers always failed, either because of her inability to be sneaky or the fact that everything would simply backfire. She cannot kayak without help or breathe underwater like Percy Jackson, she cannot raise the dead with McDonalds like Nico (regardless of her many attempts) and there was never any question about whether or not she could control electricity like Thalia Grace.

                    There has only ever been one thing that Eirene was good at, fighting. It doesn't matter who; mortals, Gods, Titans, monsters, enemies or friends you name it and Eirene will raise her fists, draw her daggers and charge. She sees it as a means to an end, some people like diplomacy ━ can sit around for hours waiting on results and for a decision to be finally made, but Eirene's jumpy like no other, stimulation is important and if that has to be found in the subsequent blood of foes than so be it. Though even being good at something could have its very own downfall, a downfall that came at the hands of not being acknowledged by a single god! Like Eirene wasn't just killing all of these hideous things in the name of the gods for the sake of it, she wanted something out of it and so far she had gotten nish. Everyone had told her that the gods were stingey fucks who would say anything for the sake of their own benefit (and as she had discovered the hard way, their own amusement), but it's only taken nearly dying ten times to realise it herself.

                    The first few months of her stay at camp, people would surround her like a pack of vultures circling their prey, watching her every move, every slip and fault she made, hoping to try and find something that would help her piece together who her godly parent was ━ or to simply give them ammunition should she prove useless. They gave up watching after the third month, realising that there were better ways to spend their time. But Eirene was special, she was not useless, and she was frightening, so much so that even Zeus himself was weary of the girl, anxious (much like everyone else) to see her parentage. Now at sixteen and twelve days old, wielding a sword with the power to kill at a single slice, Eirene is ready for war ━ and she finds it oh so funny that her name means peace when she is everything but.

 Now at sixteen and twelve days old, wielding a sword with the power to kill at a single slice, Eirene is ready for war ━ and she finds it oh so funny that her name means peace when she is everything but

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blu hunt


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