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Sorry for the late updates, I've been practising magic, art, football etc. I had some homework. The update will keep coming, just not as frequently.


Today starts off with the bell, it's more of a fire alarm just waiting to scare you.

Nothing much happens during the morning, the usual. Breakfast, snacks, training and foraging.

To be honest, foraging is better than raiding. Yes, you do get more things from raids, but you can leave the infected behind easier. You can't really spot the infected until it's right on top of you. It will round the corner and just come for you. It won't stop until dead, or you're out of sight.

The farm we're 'stealing' from is big. We shouldn't need to hit up 3 today, just this one and another. The busses and vans are half full with this farm.


We arrive back at base, it's quiet; too quiet. All the light are out.

We enter the main hall, it's not 'food' time so people don't call it the cafeteria during these hours. We head over to the kitchen, no ones here.

"You did tell the chefs we would be back about now, right?" I ask Jonathan.

"Yeah, I did it as you and the others were packing," Jonathan says.

"Ok, why are they—" I'm cut off by a scream and the sound of something running on all fours. I hear more loud screeches and screaming.

"Alex, I'm scared. What's going on?" Tasha asks me. She's young, probably 16 or 17, small with brown hair and green eyes and her frame isn't very muscular. She looks like she just wants a hug and a reassuring sentence, she's always been good at hugs. Her 'upbeat' and joyful attitude is now a scared and solemn one.

"I don't know, stay here."

I head out of the kitchen back into the hall.

"Hello?" I call out. Another scream deafens me and causes me to draw my sword. The scream sounded just behind me, but some ways away.

I hear scattering like a dog on a slippery tiled floor. It's claws trying to grip at something but can't.

"Nathan to Alex, how it looking out there?" The radio crackles," can we come out? Over."

I reach for my radio. I place my hand on my radio and begin to bring it up to my mouth, I hear something on all fours again, running around the hall. "Alex to Nathan, not yet, something's— AGH!" I scream.

I'm interrupted by a large mass throwing me across the room. I slide for a few moments before something jumps on top of me. I let out a cry as my vision tries to adapt to the dim lighting. I reach up to try and push whatever's on me off of me. I'm unsuccessful as my hands just slip.

I go to look at my hands, obviously forgetting its dark I don't see anything. I try again, this thing doesn't feel right.

I can feel all the bare muscle and bone. I hear my sword clang against the floor next to me. I reach for it. I feel the hilt of the sword with the tip of my middle finger. I reach all I can. I hear the things tongue glides across the surface of its face, I hear the scratches of its dry tongue on its face.

It lowers its head. I feel its cold and disgusting breath across my face. Is this the end? Will I just die here because I can't reach my sword?

The breathing on my face goes away for a few seconds. I breathe. I feel a sharp pain in the side of my shoulder."AGHH! I scream.

"You fucking bit me!" I say.

The things back off, it heads down a hallway. It screams.

"Nathan to Alex, are you ok? We just heard you scream,"he crackles through the radio.

"What the fuck was that thing?"

"What thing?" He asks.

"Fuckin' thing on all fours bit me!"

"You're infected, aren't you?"

I sigh into the radio,"yeah, probably."

"Is it safe or what?"

"I'll try to make it safe, I need some people as help though."

"Yeah yeah, I'll come with you. Jakes here to help calm them all," he volunteers.

"Do us a favour? Get the power back on?" I ask.

"Have you tried the light switches?" He asks," they work in here."

I head over to the light switches, sure enough, they work. Why would someone turn the lights off?

The same guy is still standing there as before.

"Hello?" I call out again.

"Don't move," he shushes.

"I've been bitten. I don't have long left anyway."

"Leave, leave before you kill anyone else."

"I'm taking that asshole down first," I say.

"Good luck," he wishes.

Nathan comes out of the kitchen with his sword drawn and crouching to make less noise.

We head over to my sword and then down the hallway the thing went down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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