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Turned. That word stuck with me for the rest of the day. Playing in my head. Every traffic light, stop sign; turned. It sent shivers down my spine, all throughout my body.

The majority of the drive was more or less speechless, no socialising unless it was discussing memories or what would happen at Donington Fort. There was the occasional 'oh, look at that' and so on.

"That looks interesting,"Jayden finally speaks up.

"What is it?" I ask.

"A windmill, never seen one of those here before. You?"

"No, does it look new?"

"No, not really," she finishes.

That's what the trip basically was, unsociable for the most part.

The trip is still going, probably another hour before we arrive there. Many bends and narrow roads. I could tell Jayden was uneasy about turning blind corners and going down narrow roads. I knew she was worried about a large group of infected. We did see many non infected packing up and putting boxes in cars or trucks.

The collapse was not over. Ongoing, the collapse would bring down buildings and create a war between man and infected. Jayden feared the collapse a lot more than me. I knew because she is normally so talkative and happy. She was none. I had to stay strong for her, to let her know I was there for her if needed.

Trees, beautiful things, sucking up our wasted air and producing oxygen. The collapse is worse than I imagined, black streaks that looked like ink in water started growing up the base of the occasional tree.

"Whats up with some of the trees?" I ask.

"I've noticed nothing abnormal on the trees. What is wrong with them?"

"Well, you know when you put black ink into water, it looks kinda cool?"


"It's on the bottom of the occasional tree," I finish.

Jayden doesn't answer after that and looks for the occasional tree staring the black vein look-a-like.

"OH!"she shouts excitedly," I think I saw one, it did look strange, but could go unnoticed with a quick glance, but still some what worrying."

The hour left was still, mostly silent. Only the occasional questions about Donington. Nothing more.

We arrive at the settlement, it is big- huge in fact. Jayden speaks,"it's massive..."

"Yeah," I say.

It was at least a few acres of land, going through fields, rocky hills, roads, streams and rivers. But I could only see the front of it. 4 gates were at the front, 2 probably for trucks or big cars for raids and trades, the other for the typical car, like a Nissan Silva or Ford Mustang, and for people to get through. 2 sentries for each gate, both heavily armed. The collapse started a day ago in England. More in the other countries or states. Each corner of the chain link fence had big watch towers, probably the size of a 5 story building. The sentry posts had cover for gun fire, rain and wind, as did the watch towers. The main buildings are 5 story's high.

"Hold!" A sentry shouts,"what are you doing here?"

I roll down my window, he has a loud shout, and begin to speak,"we're here to seek refuge, will the leader of the settlement be able to negotiate with us?"

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