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Driving to work in my Lamborghini was boring. Mostly because of the traffic. But there were also cops around every corner.

At work, I do the usual- except breaking a glass door by walking into it...

The usual happens, lab coat on, sickness mask on, hair net, you guessed it, on. Many welcome back's floated around the air. Many rumours also floated around the air. Rumours of my having a contagious disease or something similar. I did not see Jayden at the front desk, however, there is a new, young receptionist.

Nicky, read her name tag, blonde with bright green eyes. A nose for perfect Pythagoras' Theorem. I just signed in and said hello. No conversation at all. She has more of a high pitched voice than the average female- one that would get in your nerves if that's the only thing you heard. She seemed nice enough, but I'm not making any moves to be friends. I would want to replace Jayden. Who am I fooling? She wouldn't mind.

"Good morning Alex. How are you feeling? Hopefully well enough you don't smash my glass door again haha. Right?" The head asks.

"Right in sir, feel like I could finish with next to no problems. Agreed?" I say.

"No doubt," he finishes our conversation," today, carry on from yesterday. Just like a practical at school. Don't be a dumbass".

I get what I need, remembering from last time, setting up my equipment to start my work. Whatever we are about to make, this would all be blamed on us. Whatever disease this will be, the crew and myself will not be ready. Another collapse will happen.

I get working, drop by drop. Test tubes in racks, all around me. Microscopes everywhere. Viruses everywhere. So much danger in this room. A very high risk of Ebola contamination.

Just as I'm getting a modified version the Ebola virus, I am violently pushed by someone. "Watch where you're walking dumbass!" He shouts.

"I was stationary you dumb fuck. You just made me spill Ebola!" I shout back,"Fuck you're retarded".

"Out, get out and go to the decontamination chamber!" Commands the head.

We all head out, except one, Michael Jones. We all stopped and watching him fall to the ground. The sound of galas braking broke the silence.

After we all had been decontaminated, we see Michael standing up. His back is towards us, his arms out in front of him slightly. His hair messy and bloody. Glass stuck out of his back before falling to the ground, shattering then blood replacing its place.

I knock on the glass door," Mike, you need to get to decontamination"

He snarls and growls as he turns around and runs towards the door. The effects of the virus Jayden had described did not fit Mikes symptoms. Aggression yes, but not much else.

He began to scratch at the glass door. He leaves scratches on the glass.

"Everyone go home," says the head," Alex, stay".

"Yes, sir," I say.

"See this? Well, this a one version of the new virus. Manufactured by everyone in that room,"he says pointing to the room we were in," and now, this is what the world will become. Swifts, the runner or 'fast biter' of the infected, spitters and normal walkers. The, swift, doesn't start with a seizure, or clumsiness or aggression. The infected one drops dead then comes back. The normal walkers go into seizures and become aggressive over time. This specimen, Michael Jones, has become a swift, or as others call it, a runner".

"Why are you doing this, yes there are stupid people in the world who can't make coffee from coffee sachets, or the one who can't understand a square number. But why this?" I ask.

Human Error (1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz