"But I'm scared." I admitted while he dragged me along.

"Don't be, I won't let him hurt you."

Chenle dragged me to the table and forced me to sit down next to him. I kept looking down, not wanting to make any eye contact with Haechan.

"What is that thing doing here?" Haechan asked annoyed.

"What does she look like she's doing, obviously eating." Chenle retorted.

"Okay but why is she doing that here, at my table."

"Calm down Haechan. It's not your table, it's our table." Mark intervened.

"Whatever, that still doesn't explain why this ugly bitch is sitting here."

"Hyung." Jisung gasped. "Don't talk about Noona that way."

Haechan stood up and slammed his hands on the table. Everybody in the cafeteria had adverted their attention towards us.

"Am I fucking missing something?"

"You know what, I'll just go sit somewhere else."

I stood up to leave but Chenle stopped me.

"No." He said as he grabbed my hand firmly.

He sent Haechan a cold deadly stare.

"She is staying right here with us, and if you don't like it then you can leave."

"Ya! Are you ordering me around!" He scoffed in disbelief.

In a blink of an eye Haechan had his hands on Chenle 's uniform collar.

"Haechan calm down!" Mark scolded him.

"Are you really defending him and this bitch?"

"The only bitch here is you." Chenle gritted his teeth.

Haechan tightened his grip around Chenle's collar, causing him to gasp for air.

"You're going too far." Jeno raised his voice.

"Haechan let him go!" I cried out as I saw the color drain from Chenle's face.

His cold eyes met mine.

"Please let him go." I begged again.

His eyes were locked onto mine. Without saying a word he released Chenle from his grip and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Are you okay?" I asked Chenle while I examined his neck worriedly.

"Don't worry im fine." he tried to assure me.

"How can I not worry! You are his friend and he treats you like that? What the hell is wrong with that psycho?"

"Y/N you dont understand, it's not his fault." Jeno defended Haechan.

"No, I don't understand. That guy is psychotic and I don't understand how you guys are defending him right now."

"There is a lot to Haechan that you don't know about, he's really not as bad as you think. We can't expect you to understand, you just have to trust us on this."

How could I trust them. Haechan treated everyone so bad, yet they were still his friend.

"Why me?"

My question seemed to confuse the boys.

"What do you mean?" Chenle asked.

"If Haechan is such a great friend, then why do you pretend to be friends with me? He obviously hates me, so why purposely make him mad by having me around?"

"Because you ARE our friend." Jaemin swung his arm around my shoulder.

"But why?" I asked, curious as to why they were so nice to me.

"Because we like you." Jaemin replied with a slight chuckle. "Why else?"

"You're different from the other girls at this school." Jeno Added.

"How?" I asked.

"You just are." Jeno said again.

"You just need to trust us. We really do consider you our friend." Chenle told me.

"But Haechan." I repeated myself.

"Don't worry, as long as you are with us he won't hurt you." Chenle placed his hand on mine.

I smiled weakly at them. I thought I was strong enough to challenge Haechan just a few days ago, but I was now regretting it. He scared me more than I thought.

If he was capable of hurting his friends then what would he do to me? Why was he so violent? And why were the boys still friends with someone like him?

I didn't understand. The only thing I knew was that if I wanted to survive, then I guess I just had to put my trust in their hands.

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