Chapter Ten: Battle of Hogwarts, Pt. 2

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran down to the Hogwarts boathouse, where Harry had seen Snape talking to Voldemort, from Voldemort's perspective. When they reached the boathouse, they hid underneath a translucent piece of glass and watched the scene in front of them. "Where do the loyalties of the Elder Wand lie?" Voldemort asked Snape. "With you. Of course," Snape replied. Voldemort seemingly ignored Snape's answer. "It does not bend to my every whim, Severus," Voldemort said, "You have performed extraordinary magic with that wand," Snape said calmly. "No, I have performed my usual magic, but still the wand resists me," Voldemort said coolly. "The Elder Wand truly belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus," he said. Snape's eyes widened in horror. "My Lord -." Snape began, but was cut off by Voldemort slitting his throat with the Elder Wand. "Nagini, kill," Voldemort said in Parseltounge. Nagini attacked Snape, who was thrown left and right in the small boathouse. "Come, Nagini, I need to keep you safe," Voldemort said, and he left the boathouse. Harry cautiously entered the boathouse and made his way over to Snape.

Draco and Ginny were in the great hall when it happened again. "I know that you have fought valiantly. I therefore command my forces to retreat at once. I do not wish to spill magical blood," Voldemort's voice said. "This doesn't make any sense to me. Why would he tell his followers to retreat when they have the upper hand?" Draco asked Ginny, who shrugged. They split up to find out if anyone that they were close to had been killed. Without warning, Ginny saw the familiar face of her brother Fred, looking as though he was asleep. Right next to him lay Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, also looking as though they were asleep. Draco saw Ginny lazily fall to the floor and begin to cry, so he went over to her. He took one look at Fred and hugged Ginny to comfort her. She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling warm and comfortable knowing that her fiancée was so caring.

Harry walked past everyone, using his invisibility cloak to avoid awkward questions. He had to hand himself over to Voldemort. It was the only way he could be killed. Neither could live. Neither could survive. He thought he saw Ginny look around as though she knew that he was there, and he felt a pang of guilt for how much he had done to her. He knew that he would never get the chance to apologize to her, and he hated it, but he couldn't let anyone know where he was going. He could only hope that she knew that he was truly sorry for the pain he caused her, and that he was happy as long as she was.

"Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. Come to die," said Voldemort. Harry closed his eyes and accepted his fate. Ginny, I want you to know that I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you, and as long as you're happy, I am too, he thought. "Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted, and Harry's vision went white.

Harry woke up in an unfamiliar pure white area. "Hello?" He called out, his voice echoing in the vast space. Almost at once, a familiar tall, slim figure walked towards him. "Harry, you wonderful boy. You brave, brave man. Let us walk," said the voice of Albus Dumbledore. "Excuse me, sir, but where exactly are we?" Harry asked the old headmaster. "Well, what do you think? After all, this is, as they say, your party," Dumbledore replied. Harry thought about it for a moment, then it all became clear. "It looks like King's Cross Station, only, cleaner, and without all the trains," he said. "Ah! That does make sense," Dumbledore replied. "Sir, do you mind if I ask you something that I asked you in my first year?" Harry asked. "Of course, Harry," Dumbledore replied with a small smile. "What did you see when you looked into the Mirror of Erised?" Harry asked. "I saw myself, my brother, my sister, and my parents all together as a happy family," he said. "You see, I was never really there for my family. You've probably already heard about how my brother Aberforth broke my nose at my sister's funeral," he said. "Yeah," Harry admitted. "So, now that that's out of the way," Dumbledore said, "you said that we are at King's Cross, correct?" He asked Harry, who nodded in response. "Then I would say that you could board a train," said Dumbledore, "And where would it take me?" Harry asked. "On," Dumbledore replied simply. "One more question, Professor," Harry said, "Go on," replied Dumbledore. "Is this real, or is it just happening inside my head?" Harry asked, "Well, of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?" Dumbledore replied and left.

Harry's nostrils picked up the scent of grass, and he was back in the Forbidden Forest. "The boy. Is he dead?" Asked Bellatrix Lestrange. Voldemort in response sent Narcissa Malfoy to check on him, to see if he was dead. "Draco. Draco, is he alive?" she asked Harry in a rather shaky whisper. Harry gave her a barely noticeable nod in reply. She stood back up and turned to face Voldemort. "Dead," she said. The next thing Harry knew, he was being carried back to the castle by Hagrid.

Second to last chapter! Don't worry, the sequel will be out soon! Remember, I do not own the images used for the chapters of this story. All credit goes to the creators of the images. I'll see you in the next chapter everyone!

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