Chapter Four: Draco's Biggest Secret

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June 16th, 1997

Draco knew that it was time to tell Ginny where he would go when he wasn't seen for an entire day at times. He walked up to her after lunch on the 16th of June. "I need to tell you something," was all he told her. She nodded, and he brought her to the Room of Requirement. "Why are we at the Room of Requirement?" She asked him. "You'll see. It'll be better and easier  to explain if I show you," Draco said. He closed his eyes and focused on what he wanted from the room. I need the place where everything is hidden, he repeated in his head three times as he paced in front of the room. On the third pass, he opened his eyes to see the door had appeared. "Alright, come on," he told Ginny. He took her hand and led her into the room. They passed numerous random objects before coming to an ornate cabinet. "Now, I know that this is going to be very difficult for you to hear, but I'm a death eater," he said, pulling up his left sleeve to reveal his Dark Mark.

Ginny was speechless. "Harry was right," she said quietly. "What?" Draco asked nervously. "I said Harry was right. He's speculated that you were a death eater all year," she said. "Please, hear me out. I didn't have a choice in whether or not I joined the death eaters. It was forced upon me by my father," he said. Ginny simply stared at him. "Are you alright?" He asked her. "Part of me wants to believe you," she said. "But?" Draco pressed. "Another part of me thinks that I can't believe you," Ginny said. "Which part is the one that you're following?" He asked her, becoming more nervous. "I..." she said, but she couldn't go on. She couldn't tell him which part of her she was going to follow. Before she could say anything, Draco intervened. "I am going to do something that no one in my family has done in over two centuries. I am going to make what's known as a Malfoy Promise. I only know about it from reading some of the books in my father's library. What I do know is that this kind of promise is one of the most powerful promises in the entire Wizarding World. About the only promise that would be more powerful is the Unbreakable Vow," he said. "Here goes nothing," he continued, clearing his throat. "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, promise you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, that I am telling you the whole and complete truth about how I became a death eater," he finished. "I understand, Draco. I believe you," she said. They leaned in for a kiss when suddenly the cabinet began to rattle and shake. "Oh no. Not now," Draco said. "Draco, what's going on?" Ginny asked, beginning to shake due to fear.

"Ginny, you need to hide. Now," Draco told her. "Not until you tell me what's going on," she replied. Draco sighed deeply, placing his head in his hands. "The death eaters wanted me to fix this vanishing cabinet to let them into the school. I'm supposed to kill him," Draco said. "Him? Draco, who are you talking about?" Ginny asked him. "Professor Dumbledore," he said shortly. "Don't worry. I'll still -," Ginny began, just before the door of the cabinet opened. "Draco, didn't we tell you not to tell anyone of this plan?" Asked Bellatrix Lestrange. "Yes," he said simply. "Well, she cannot be allowed to live now that she knows of the plan," Bellatrix replied. "Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix exclaimed, pointing her wand at Ginny. Draco desperately wanted to push her out of the way of the curse, but he couldn't move his legs, like his brain was ignoring his pleas to allow him to save Ginny. The curse hit her full in the face, and she was flung several feet backward. "NO!" Draco screamed. He distracted the death eaters with a stunning spell before running over to Ginny. He managed to apparate to the hospital wing before leaving to try to stop the death eaters, particularly Bellatrix. So what if she was his aunt? He wouldn't hesitate to kill her for killing Ginny.

"Draco, glad you could finally join us," Bellatrix said. Draco wanted to kill her so badly, but he didn't. He pointed his wand at Dumbledore. He began to shake. He couldn't do this. If by some miracle Ginny was alive, she would hate him for killing Dumbledore. Then, Snape arrived. "Severus. please," Dumbledore said. Wait. Was he begging for death? Draco didn't have much time to contemplate for Snape now had his wand pointed at Dumbledore. "Avada Kedavra," he said without even changing his tone. Snape tried to lead Draco away from the Astronomy Tower, but Draco forced him to leave him alone. Snape understood and had the other death eaters leave with him. Draco, however, went to the hospital wing to see Ginny. He sat down next to her bed and began to hope that Ginny would be okay. He knew that she couldn't have survived, but he was trying to keep himself positive. He had just lightly touched her cold hand when he felt something that he didn't believe was real. Her pulse was so faint that he hadn't noticed it before, but Draco was only concerned about one thing.

She was still alive.

Chapter Four! I know that Ginny not being killed by the killing curse is a bit cliche, but hey, I figured it would make the story more interesting. Remember, I do not own the images used for the chapters of this story. All credit goes to the creators of the images. See you in the next chapter!

Grey Eyes ~Drinny~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora