Chapter Six: Skirmish at Malfoy Manor and Gringotts Robbery

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The entire room descended into chaos. Spells were flying in all directions, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Dean were holding their own against Bellatrix, Draco, and Ginny. There was suddenly a loud squeaking sound coming from above, and everyone stopped fighting. The chandelier then fell with a crash and a shower of broken glass. Draco and Ginny put their hands over their bloodied faces to protect against more glass. Ginny groaned and fell to the floor, a rather large piece of glass lodged into her leg, and Draco ran over to help her. "Dobby has no Master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter, and his friends!" Dobby told Bellatrix before disapparating. Bellatrix threw her knife at the people disapparating, and it was taken with Dobby and the others.

Shell Cottage

Harry had just finished burying Dobby, who had been killed by Bellatrix's knife, when Fleur came to tell him that he could see Ollivander and Griphook. He nodded, and she went back into the cottage. Harry suddenly got a vision.

It was dark. He stood waiting for someone. He saw a lantern bobbing towards him, and he looked into the black eyes of Severus Snape. "My lord, why have you summoned me at such a late hour?" He inquired.

Harry somehow managed to pull himself out of Voldemort's mind for long enough to talk to Griphook, who agreed to help him get the next horcrux in exchange for the Sword of Gryffindor, and Ollivander. Then he went back into Voldemort's mind and saw that Snape had left.

He made his way to the snow white marble tomb, determined to get what he was looking for. He levitated the marble off of the top of the tomb, exposing the cover of the grave itself. He shot a quick spell to break it open, and leaned over the perfectly preserved old man's body. He quickly snatched the wand clutched by Dumbledore and pointed it towards the sky. A beam of light shot from the end of it, into the sky, as the wand accepted its new master.


They had spent weeks planning the raid on Gringotts. Now, on the 1st of May, it was time for them to set their plan into motion. Hermione would be disguised as Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry and Griphook would be under the invisibility cloak, and Ron was going to be given a brand new identity. With everything set, they apparated to Diagon Alley. "Madam Lestrange," someone said in greeting, "Good morning!" Hermione replied nervously. The man looked confused, but shrugged it off and walked away. "Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed schoolgirl!" Griphook said.

After entering Gringotts, Hermione walked up to the desk at the very end of the long entrance to the bank. "Ahem," she said, but the goblin ignored her. "I wish to enter my vault," she said, and the goblin looked up. "Madam Lestrange!" He said in surprise. He motioned for another goblin to talk to Hermione. "If you could please present some sort of identification?" The goblin asked. "And why would I do that?" Hermione asked in annoyance. "It's the bank's policy. Surely you understand?" The goblin asked. "No, I most certainly do not understand!" Hermione replied in frustration. "Imperio," Harry muttered under his breath. The goblin took a sniff of the air and smiled. "Very well. If you would please follow me," the goblin said. Hermione, looking confused, followed the goblin.

"Harry, why is this goblin acting so differently?" Ron asked Harry. "He's imperioused," Harry said simply. Ron nodded, and the cart took off down the tracks. They were going much deeper than Harry had ever been in Gringotts. They flew over a waterfall, and Griphook tried to stop the cart, but it was too late, and the cart shot through it before coming to a halt. A strange looking device popped up out of the left front corner of the cart and began squawking like a bird before they dropped out of the cart. "Arresto Momentum!" Hermione said, giving them all a soft landing. "What the devil are all you doing down here? Thieves!" The formerly imperioused goblin said angrily. "Imperio," Ron said, and the goblin once again sniffed the air and gave a small smile. There was suddenly a loud roar from the next room. "That doesn't sound good," Ron said.

After getting past a dragon, they entered the Lestrange's vault. "Remember, the cup is gold, and it has a badger on it," Harry said. Suddenly, Ron bumped into a silver plate, causing him to cry out in pain, as the plate had burned him and multiplied. This continued until there was nowhere to walk except on top of the multiplying treasure, causing it to multiply even more. Harry used it to his advantage to snag the cup on the Sword of Gryffindor. Griphook caught the cup after it flew off of the end of the sword. "The cup for the sword!" He said, and Harry gave him the sword. In return, Griphook gave Harry the cup. They exited the vault and were met with a handful of guards, some of which were holding clankers to keep the dragon at bay. Griphook joined them, shouting about thieves. Harry, Ron, and Hermione jumped onto the dragon's back, Hermione freed it, and they rode the dragon out of Gringotts.

This was a fun chapter to write. Remember, I do not own the images used for the chapters of this story. All credit goes to the creators of the images. See you in the next chapter!

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