Chapter Nine: Battle of Hogwarts, Pt. 1

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"Ginny, I can't bear it anymore. You need to get out of here in any way you can," Draco said. Ginny flung her arms around him and started crying. "I can't do that Draco. You know I can't," she told him, "I don't want you to get hurt when you're by yourself, and I don't even want to think about how I'd feel if you died, and I could've saved you but I didn't," she continued. Draco looked at her. "Yeah, you're right. I'd only hurt you more by sending you away," he said. "This is why I love you, Draco. You always know how to make me smile," Ginny said. Draco suddenly began frantically looking for something in his pocket. "Aha! Found it," he murmured. "Okay Ginny. Close your eyes," he said. Ginny obliged, wondering why Draco had told her to close her eyes. Draco pulled a small box out of his pocket once he was sure that Ginny's eyes were closed. He opened it and got down on one knee. "Okay, you can open your eyes now, Gin," he said. Ginny opened her eyes and covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "I know that this is a bit of a precarious situation to do this in, but if one of us dies, I want the other to have a way to remember the other by," Draco said, beginning to get nervous. Ginny began to silently cry happily.  "So, I ask you this question from the bottom of my heart. Ginevra Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" Draco asked. Ginny was speechless. After taking a few minutes to retrieve her voice, she said, "Oh my goodness, Draco. Yes, yes, a million times, yes! I will marry you!"

Draco quickly put the ring on Ginny's finger before they ran. Soon, they ran into two death eaters, who drew their wands and prepared to fight. "You take the one on the right, I'll take the one on the left," Draco whispered to Ginny, who nodded in response. They drew their own wands and also prepared to duel. "Stupefy!" Ginny and Draco shouted at the same time, but the death eaters blocked both spells. "Crucio!" Shouted the death eater dueling Draco, who barely managed to avoid the curse. "Incarcerous!" Ginny shouted, pointing her wand at the death eater Draco was dueling. The death eater blocked her spell, sending a nonverbal Sectumsempra at her. She effortlessly blocked the spell and retaliated with a nonverbal bat bogey hex, which hit the death eater full in the face, pushing him backward a few feet with the force of the impact, and Ginny returned her attention to the other death eater. "Expelliarmus!" She yelled as the death eater shouted, "Avada Kedavra!" The spells connected in the middle, and neither of them had an advantage. Draco, meanwhile, was barraging the other death eater with various spells, all nonverbal. A quick glance at him reminded Ginny of something that Professor Dumbledore had once told her, late in her fifth year: "Your love for Mr Malfoy is quite similar to Lily Potter's love for her son Harry. When the time is right, use your love to your advantage," he had said. Realizing that now was the time, she channeled her love for Draco through her wand, amplifying the power of her spell enough to push the death eater's spell back toward him. He was barely able to escape the spell and disapparate.

"How did you do that, Gin? That was amazing!" Draco said. Ginny smiled brightly at him. "Well, you could say it was a labor of love, so to speak," she said. "Wait, you drove him back with love?" Draco asked in disbelief. Ginny nodded in confirmation, and they hugged briefly before moving on.

Aww, that chapter ending was so sweet! Don't hate on me, I will always ship Draco and Ginny. Anyway, remember, I do not own the images used for the chapters of this story. All credit goes to the creators of the images. As always, I will see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

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