Chapter 1

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-Your POV-

I hear a faint female voice... Calling to me...

???: Y/N...

The voice sounds familiar...

???: Y/N...

Is that?

???: Y/N!!!

???: Y/N!!!

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I woke up in a cold sweat.

My mind still won't forget that day.

No matter hard I try, its always manifests itself.

I see Maria.

I reach out to touch her, but instead, my hand is stopped. I couldn't move at all. I start to open my eyes.

As my eyes start to adjust, I see a ceiling light and an air conditioning vent. I lift my head and scan the room. I appear to be in the infirmary of the facility. How do I know this? The room looks exactly like the map copy.

My head starts to ache as start I am still trying to wake up, so rest my head back on my pillow. That tranquilizer is some serious stuff.

Uggghhh my head. Jesus.

How long was I out? An hour or two? A day? I have no clue.

I look back to the restraints. Someone wants me here. They probably want to know why I broke in. Sucks to say I won't tell them.

I looked down my wrists as they were restrained on the metal arms of the hospital bed I was in. My legs were restrained as well. Guess they weren't taking any chances.

I've got to get out of here.

I then look up as I hear a door open. The nerdy looking guy from earlier walks in accompanied by the same woman who shot me.

Guy: Oh you're awake. Awesome. *He said oddly chipper*

The man pulled up a chair to sit next to me to check my vitals. The woman just remained standing while sipping from a cup.

Guy: I've got to say you took quite a beating for someone your age. Impressive you held your own though. He said smiling at me.

I just kept a hard look on my face. I didn't want to any emotion.

I haven't shown any since that day...

Guy: So how are you feeling bud?

I said nothing. I wasn't giving any ground. To be honest though I was sore from the fight and I had raging headache as well.

Guy: *laughs awkwardly* Er well, do you have any pain?

I mentally sighed. This guy was eager for some weird reason.
It may have something to do with when he said that thing back when I first ran into him.

Punisher: War Machine (Infinite Stratos x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now