I held my mug close to my chest, enjoying the feeling of warmth it set in me as we moved to sit at the Gryffindor table.

"I really hope they do this more often." Lavender hummed as she sipped from her mug, closing her eyes and looking as though she had found her little slice of heaven inside the cup. I smiled amusedly, rolling my eyes as I surveyed the other people who had found themselves in the Great Hall. At the Ravenclaw table I caught sight of Michael Corner, the Patil twins, and Ernie Macmillian. At the Hufflepuff table, I noticed with a grin, was Neville with Hannah, the two talking quietly over mugs of hot chocolate. I moved, wanting to point it out to Lavender with a sly grin when I noticed another group of people.

Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson sat together, the first two looking rather displeased with whatever the black-haired girl was saying to them. I eyed the conversation for a moment before pulling my eyes away, turning back to Lavender and forcing my smile back into place.

"Neville's sitting with Hannah." I said with a faint grin. Lavender opened her eyes to look over, a faint smile making her lips quirk up.

"How cute."

"That's what I thought." I hummed, making a mental note to ask him about it later.


I was lucky the next morning that I had managed to take my polyjuice potion before Lavender had whipped my drapes open, her smile wide. For a person who loved their sleep, she seemed rather spry this morning. It took a few binks and a confused 'Hmm?' before I remembered.

It was Christmas.

I was seeing Draco today.

Instantly my mood lifted and I smiled at her happy laughing as she woke Parvati up, the latter girl groaning with annoyance as she rose from her bed. Lavender looked unapologetic as I slid from my bed, pulling a jacket over the black shirt I wore. A quick glance out the window told me everything I needed to know about why it was colder than it had before- Everything was covered in a thick layer of snow, and not a moment too soon.

I grinned sleepily at the sight before me, turning away from the window just as Lavender was saying something about breakfast. Apparently the Carrows had shut down McGonagall and her hot chocolate, and as bitter punishment had done away with a promising breakfast of cinnomon rolls and oatmeal and had replaced them with bread.

"But that's just fine- Let boggarts be boggarts, I always say."

"It's 'let bygones be bygones', Lavender." I corrected with a tired hum. Lavender waved me off though, obviously unbothered by this information.

"Whatever. Everyone is meeting in the common room for breakfast- And Neville is waiting for you, I'm sure."

"Hm. Wonderful. Tell him I'll be right down." I said with a yawn, pulling my sweatpants off in favor for something a little nicer. It was Christmas, after all. Perhaps if I was feeling the proper motivation, I might even wear a skirt later, instead of the dark jeans I was currently sliding onto my legs.

"Will do." Lavender chirped, saying something else to Parvati before flitting downstairs. I followed by only a minute or two, welcomed by the warmth of the common room. It was filled with people from all different houses, and it took me a minute or so to actually locate my friends. But eventually I managed to elbow my way past a crowd and spotted Neville, sitting on the ground by the fireplace.

"Neville!" I called happily as I approached, and Neville looked up, smiling with food-stuffed cheeks. He swallowed before he greeted me though, lifting his hand up and letting me take it when I held out my hand to him.

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