"What's it like?" Killian asks David.

"What's it like to do what?" David asks.

"What's it like being a father?"

David frowns and looks at the dark-haired man for a moment.

"It's not easy if that's what you're thinking. It's a lot of sleepless nights, dirty diapers, three o'clock feedings, messy houses and balancing a career, but through it all... It's the best job in the world."

The two men sip their coffees and watch as Emma begins tickling Jacob and then Henry.

"Stop it Mom!" the teen howls.

"It's worth all the stress just to see something so small and so precious grow and feel loved."

Killian swallows hard.

"It's the most rewarding experience in the world. From the first moment that you lay eyes on them, you know you will never love something as much in the whole world, except maybe your wife."

The police officer looks over to see his wife humming to herself and flipping pancakes in a frying pan.

"You both know that you did this for a reason and the gift is the most beautiful thing in the world..."

Killian gives a small smirk. "Emma might rival the young Lad in that respect."

David sips his coffee before going on.

"There's nothing you can really do to prepare for being a father. You learn as you go. Fortunately, no one expects you to be perfect and the baby doesn't care otherwise. Why do you ask?"

Killian looks at his beloved girlfriend for a moment before turning to David. He runs a hand through his dark hair.

"I don't exactly have much to go on in terms of being a father. My dad left Liam and me when we were young lads, went off and had another family and even then, he's hardly father of the year. I never got to do the typical father-son things like fishing or playing catch. He never taught me how to ride a bike or how to kiss a girl. I had to learn most of that from my brother or on my own. My life has hardly been ideal and I guess..."

"You're afraid you're going to be a bad father?"

Killian nods. "Aye."

"You're not alone," the police officer says, putting a hand on his shoulder. "My father was an alcoholic and it got to the point where my mother was running the family farm. It wasn't until one night, my poor excuse for a father went driving while impaired and got himself killed. It was devastating to all of us, but it was also kind of a relief. He wasn't suffering anymore and wasn't dragging us down either."

"I didn't know you grew up on a farm."

"Yeah, I was born and raised in Wisconsin. We owned a sheep farm. Life wasn't easy, but we managed until my father got involved in a bad business deal and lost a lot of our land. That's what drove him to drink his sorrows away..."

Killian nods, relating quite effectively to David's father. He swallows hard thinking that his drinking and driving act could've very well ended his life and he'd never have the chance to be a father.

"After his death, my mother and I worked to keep the farm open, but my twin brother ran off."

"You have a twin brother?"

"Yeah, it's my best-kept secret. We're identical too, but we're very different people. James ran off as soon as he could, while I worked to keep what was left of our family together. My mother and I never gave up on one another and we stayed close. She supported me through all my endeavours. We eventually sold the farm and saved up enough money for both my mother and me to move to the city. I entered the police academy and graduated with my mother standing proud. She still brags to the people in Florida about how proud she is of me."

Killian smiles. At least David had a loving mother to love and support him all his life.

"What about your brother?"

The cop shrugs. "A wreck loose does odd jobs, couch surfs, we kind of lost track of him. Last, I heard he was gambling money at a horse race and got in trouble. I pulled a few strings to bail him out. If you want, I have his record on file."

"I'll pass Mate."

"My point being, your father's actions do not define who you will be to your child. I vowed to never be like my father and be there for my wife and children."

"I took a similar pledge," Killian says, taking another sip of coffee. "It's just the children part is happening very quickly."

David pats him on the shoulder. "You still have time to prepare."

"Breakfast is ready," Mary Margret chirps. "Come and get it."

David stands up and goes over to his wife.

"Smells delicious," he murmurs, hugging her from behind. He begins kissing her neck. She laughs and swats him with the spatula.

Killian gazes at the loving couple and then over at Emma. Henry takes Jacob to the table and Emma puts her hands over her face for a few moments. He becomes concerned by this. He wonders what must be coursing through her mind. He knows he must find her some help. Despite Mary Margret's obvious efforts to make positive memories and experiences, it's not enough. They cannot just ignore what's happened to them. Emma needs help.

Maybe they all needed help?

Some David back story. Does anyone catch the pancakes reference from last week's episode?

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