"Do you know anything else about the boy? Why he jumped?"

Gabriel shook his head. "I know as much as you do."

Colson sighs and leans back against the chair, his eyes trained on the ceiling. The silence comes back and thankfully for a short while before Cobie comes through the door.

"Hey." Cobie said as he walks into the room. For the first time in months, his eyes were black. That was not good. Colson sits up in alarm and pats the space beside him.

Cobie falls into it and sighed, running a hand down his face.

"What's going on?"

"A child died. He was six." Cobie starts. "The SMPD are looking into it but I, Erik and Michel listened to the recording of the call and it sent chills through me."

"What did the recording say?"

"Michel is coming with it."

Just as Cobie says that, Michel walks into the room looking worse for wear. His hair was in disarray and his eyes were sad. Colson had the urge to stand up and pull the Beta in for a hug but he didn't. Gabriel on the other hand, doesn't hesitate. He gently guides the Beta into a seat and checks to make sure Michel was alright.

"Why do you look that way? Is it your first time hearing such a thing had happened?" Colson asked with a raised brow.

Gabriel turns to glare at him.

"What is your problem?"

"My problem is a head Beta who can't act level headed because a kid died." Colson snapped back, ready to smack Gabriel in the face of Cobie hadn't grabbed his hand.

Sometimes Colson forgets that there are people in the world who haven't seen half of what he and his brother had seen. They haven't experienced the same pain nor have they felt it.

"Just... listen to the recording and tell us what you think." Cobie said, his grip on Colson's hand tightening, the light pain grounding Colson.

Michel pulls out his phone and taps the screen. A little boys voice filled the room and Colson listens intently. Once the recording had ended, Colson speaks.

"How many parents did he have?" Colson asked.

"Two. His mum and dad but his father is late. He died three years ago."

"He mentioned a Baba in the recording." Colson said, a light frown on his face.

"I said the same thing too. I was wondering if that was what he used to call his dad."

Colson shook his head. "He said dad at the beginning of the recording and then Baba towards the end. He said I just wanted to tell you that Baba said he's here. He said Astir is going to fall."

"He was used to pass a message."

"The question is who is Baba?" Colson asked. "Was he a friend? Or a parent or even a close relative?"

"We're still investigating."

"Where's Erik?" Colson asked.

"He went for a run. A member of his pack died, a link was forcibly cut off so he has to calm down before he does something out of his control." Cobie replied. "He's fine. I can feel him. I just came in to brief you, I'm going to look for him."

"I'll see you then."

Cobie walk out of the room and Colson watched as Gabriel gently led Michel to his. He was alone. He looked at his hands before getting up from the couch. He needed to go somewhere, he needed to be distracted for a while.

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