T W E N T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

But noah takes one step towards the door and trips, falling to the ground.

I sigh and just pay for the cab getting out . I'll grab another one after I put Noah to bed.

I walk to him and help him up. He is laughing his ass off and I sigh, I love him but I didn't want to babysit tonight . What a way to end a night of clubbing. I was having such a great day before the call.

I help him walk inside his apartment and then we head to the master bedroom. His apartment is not big, it actually looks a lot like my dorm back in college, it seems weird since Noah makes so much money.

I walk him to the bed and he lays down then he turns around to were I'm standing and he pats the bed

“c'mere” he says cutely and I laugh shaking my head

“Noah I am not gonna do that, you know why”

He groaned cutely “monkey, I just want to talk, please?”

Did he just called me monkey? My eyes glisten and I feel a knot in my throat I feel like I'm 22 again. I can't believe I haven't even realized how much it meant to be called like that. I guess it was just the affection behind it that made me love it so much

I sigh and lean down next to him. We are facing each other on the bed but we're not even touching each other.

“I've been having some doubts about the wedding” he says randomly and my eyes widen

“what doubts?” I shouldn't even go deeper into the subject, i should re-assure him he's making the right choice.

“I think I want to call it off…. But I'm a coward I can't bring myself to do it”

I gasp and then look at him shaking my head

“you can't cancel it…” I bite my lip and down “Noah that would break Tara” I say softly and he sighs

“I know, that's why I've been a coward and haven't done it…” he shuffles a little in the bed and gets closer to me “I just need a little push” he says looking hopefully at me and frown confused

“Noah… “

“Valerie, do you want me to cancel it?” he ask serious looking right into my eyes. I hold my breath. Of course I do, but I don't want to be responsible for it happening.

“I… Can't…. I can't answer that” I wet my lips and shake my head “it doesn't matter what I want” my eyes get watery and Noah wraps an arm around me

“of course it matters, it is what most matters to me” he pulls me closer to him and I don't pull away when he hugs me tight. I start shaking and sobbing a little

“just tell me what you want, Valerie, I just need to be sure” he whispers holding me tight. And I shake my head

“I can't” my bottom lip quivers as I am looking up talking to him. He doesn't understand what I'll meant for me if I was the one telling him to not get married. I didn't want to get involved in Tara's possible worst day of her life.

He sighs and just hugs me I am not sobbing anymore but I want to be as close to him as possible, this might be the last time I'll do it in my life.

My phone vibrates and I take it from. My back pocket to see it's a message from Chris, asking me if I got home safely. I sigh, I really need to get going.

I try to move Noah's arms gently off me and he holds me tighter with his eyes starting to close

“please don't leave, stay with me…” Noah mumbles in a sleepy voice and I sigh

“Noah, I have to go, we can't sleep together” I whisper softly and he frowns shaking his head

“we won't do anything, just sleeping, please? It's the last time I'll ever be able to hold you like this” he protests, he thinks the same things I do, but I can't do this, I want to, but it's wrong.

“Noah… I'm already having trouble bringing the strength to leave, please… “

“shhh..” he cutely presses his finger to my lips and then nuzzles his head in my neck as he gets comfortable cuddling me. “just stay with me… “ he whispers and I bite my lip giving up. We were just gonna sleep, right??

I let myself relax in his arms and I close my eyes giving into the feeling of complete bliss in his arms. I needed this more than I thought I did…

“Baby, I'm here” a voice yells in the distance and I shot my eyes open sitting up in bed


I'm in Noah's room.

A door closes and I hear footsteps

“baby, are you in the shower? Our cake testing appointment is in an hour! I brought breakfast!” Tara's voice can be heard outside this room.

Remind me how I said I didn't want to take place in Tara and Noah's split up?


Thanks for the votes in the previous chapter, you guys always motivate me to write every chapter

It was such a bitch move to leave y all with such a cliffhanger.

But I want to let you guys think about me untill next weekend. xo

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