Pull Me Closer

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Serena huffed as she made her way to the top of the steps. She was coming down from her high and she was exhausted. She stopped dead in her tracks. The hallway was dimly lit, dark walls and carpet covered the entirety of the space. Wooden doors lined the hallway and she shivered as Danny met her at the top of the stairs.

She jumped turning to look at him.


"Nothing." She shook her head, biting her lip.

"You can not seriously be afraid of the dark." He laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "This is great. You're 21 years old."

Her eyes flashed gold as she huffed. "Stop talking to me, I'll find my own room." She grumbled as Danny ceased talking and she began walking down the hall aimlessly.

Danny scoffed as he followed her down the hall. "If you don't stop doing that."

"You'll what?" She huffed spinning around to stare at him.

Danny smirked, his eyes turning pure gold. He made a satisfied sound as the girl got lost in his trance.

"You know I like you better like this." Danny grinned. He took the girl's hand, yanking her down the hallway. "Wow look at that, your room is right next to mine." He chuckled as he kicked open the door, switching on the light as he pulled the girl in.

Still dazed, she looked around the room. A four post bed sat perfectly in the middle of the room, it's silk maroon sheets looked so inviting. The rest of the room looked much like the downstairs, it had the same gothic era vibe that Serena was starting to realize that she hates. Danny took her bag out of her hand, sitting it on the floor as he stared at her.

He grabbed her hand, yanking on it hard, she stumbled into his chest. "I have been waiting to get you alone for weeks." He chuckled against her skin.

He kissed the spot right under her ear, smirking when she gasped. He backed her against the wall, his hands firmly on her hips. The blonde yanked on her shirt, hard, pulling it off her body he dropped it to the floor. Her golden eyes watched his every move as he grabbed her chin capturing her lips with his. He slowly kissed his way from her lips, to the corner of her mouth, down her jaw before placing soft kisses to the sensitive skin of her neck. She moaned and he gently nipped at her neck, a smirk blessing his lips as he did so.

"You are going to remember every second of this. Understand?" His breath tickled her ear and she nodded. "Good girl."

Danny smirked as he unclipped her bra, he took in her curves as the lacy fabric fell to the floor. His eyes rested on the ink that blessed her chest before he brought his lips back to hers.

She whined slightly as she yanked on the bottom of his shirt and he smirked as he slowly pulled the fabric from his body. Their hands instantly went to the buttons on their jeans and Danny pulled the girl against himself. He smirked as the girl moaned his name, he had gotten exactly what he wanted.
Jorel let the girl with the pretty blue eyes yank him up the stairs. He was hyper aware of the fact she was holding his hand and smiled shyly. She stopped dead in her tracks in front of an unremarkable wooden door. Jorel's name was sprawled in metal golden cursive letters on the worn wood.

The girl shrugged. "Tal put you in the middle of no where."

Jorel looked around the empty hallway. His heart was beating 90 mph and he was trying desperately to calm down. He was so shy, it was annoying. "Do you know where my sister's room is?" He asked and she looked confused for a moment.

"I have no idea. Why?"

Jorel shrugged. "I like to know where she is. You know, so I know she's alright."

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