chapter 3 (part 2)

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I was being such jackass to the people that was actually wanting to read this but you know what I'm really sorry about that I was being incredibly lazy and I had a draft ready for some time now. Again I apologize for being a lazy ass.

Just staring at him left me speechless, why was all of this happening. "Since you seem not to be able to talk right now we can wait here for a second." It stated. 

"N-n-no its ok if we talk r-right now," I stuttered. That is when the wolf started walking further into the temple covered by a thick blanket of blue fog. I was hesitant to follow him for fear of suffocating like last time, but the wolf looked back at me and nudged his head toward the temple signaling me to go. 

"Uhh humans and the overly cautious state," he seemed too mumbled under his breath. I walk up to the fog and it dispersed in front of me. I took a shaky breath as I walked past the wolf and it followed behind me, suddenly he ran in front of me, leading me in farther into the temple. A door leading into a room appeared in front of us. I looked back from the way we came from and saw the last of the blue fog go back into its original place over the path. 

I shivered as an image of myself suffocating on the ground flashed in my mind again. "Umm...can you open the door or will I have to watch you while you're still in a daze for a while?" The wolf asked. "Cause as you can see I'm still a wolf with no thumbs." I shook my head clearing my thoughts and opened up the door.

As we walked in I noticed that it was very familiar but I can't quite remember from where or when but I guess it's....something? Anyway it was a small room it had a tiny couch and bed  and a 50' flat screen tv...Maybe. But what stood out the most was that there was a giant box that was underneath a window. As I walked to look out the window the wolf fell in step with me but then stopped at the side of the bed."I wouldn't look outside that window or get near that chest if I were you," he warned. I looked at him then back at the window seal that was just another foot away. Shrugging I follow him and sit on the bed patiently waiting for what he had to say. 

"........................................" The awkward silence gave way to an awkward atmosphere, well at least for me.

" why am I here exactly?" Was that a good question to ask. I don't know much about talking to animals in a space created by your own imagination in the far corner of your mind. The wolf just kept on staring at me and I couldn't help but collapse into myself to get away from it. 

"Hey is it ok to just lay here for a little if your not going to talk," it gave a simple nod but kept staring. I took of my shoes and clothing and got under the covers. He jumped onto the bed and a wave of exhaustion flooded my body.

"Hey before you wake up again remember that my name is ******* and you will be able to call me when your ready. Keep in mind that everything in here is yours and ONLY YOURS so don't let others invade this space and claim things unless you personally let them in. You might remember a few things but your full past will come to you in a few decades or so after we fully join together. And lastly don't ever open that box or look into that window until we do. I will talk to you later when you are able to free yourself again. See you later."

He licked my face and I shut my eyes.


I wake up in a small room that smells of disinfectants and look to my left to find an IV in my arm with a heart monitor beeping away. Next to me was Nick leaning on my bed while sleeping on my chair.

"Why am I here? Wasn't I in the car with Daniel earlier?" I got no response.

"WAKE UP!" Nick was startled awake and fell out of the chair he was in. I couldn't help but snicker at this. He picked himself of the floor and looked at me with a glare before softening it when he saw I was awake. He rapped me into one of his hugs, "I was so worried when alpha called in, I thought you were going to die."

Called in?  "wait can you explain to me what happened I'm confused. All I remember was blacking out from the pain I was feeling." Nick looked at me with surprise then it turned to worry.

"You stopped breathing in alpha's car and after five minutes of CPR your heart stopped beating. Daniel called us in a panic and stayed with you for 3 days but had to get back to managing the pack." 

This feels very half-assed for me and I was going to continue to write more but I really didn't know what else to do with it after having a break to calm myself down I realized that the last quote was a perfect way to end this and have a sorta cliff hanger so yeah.

I'm a major bitch but you know what......yeah

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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