Chapter 2

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I am feeling kind of good write now(welp that just ended with my horrible pun) so here is another chapter for my peeps;-). Also my first 0-20 commenters please tell me if I'm going crazy with the commas cause I feel like I am.


Nicks POV

Mickey leaves the room, and Diana closes the door behind her, keeping me from following after him.

"Nick look at me in the eyes. I know you can feel the bond trying to create itself between us,"she pleads. I shake my head, burying it under my paws. 'Please, Nick!' Her voice vibrates in my head, and I try to block her out.

'Won't you stop being stubborn and make the bond with her already.' An unknown voice gets through my mental block, very much surprising me.

'Well, what do you want me to do? I didn't even know any of this existed until last night, and you want me to just jump in head first? I'm a wolf! Can I have some time to process this? Or will you just force me into joining you,' I huff mentally, trying to calm down. 'On another note who are you, and how did you get through my mental block?' I ask the voice, genuinely wanting to know. 'How are you in my head?' I question further, sure mot to trust it. 'Haha, says the guy using my physical form that I let him borrow for right at this time.' It took me a moment to register what he was actually...saying? Thinking? I'm not even sure right now. Then it clicked,'wait! Are you the wolf!?!' I blurt out finally understanding what he meant by that. 'Ding ding ding that is correct smart guy, my name is Phoenix. I will be your companion wolf that shares the same bodies as you for the rest of your life, which will be a very verrry long time.'

Shock couldn't even describe all the different emotions that I was feeling right now. I don't like this, this was way too big of a change for me to bypass. Rage and anger rose up in my chest pretty quickly, I could feel it rising in the rest of my body. I got up on my paws, hackles and tail risen, growling and taking a threatening stance toward Diana. 'WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING' Phoenix screamed at me. 'I'm going to fight her, what else do you think I'd be doing' I growled back at him. This time I looked directly into her eyes challenging her, ready to attack, when all of a sudden Phoenix screamed 'MATE' in my/our thoughts catching me totally off guard. A giant golden ring of light circled around both myself and Diana's forms, fading away instantly after leaving both of us speechless.

I growled even more this time backing up away from her to the edge of the bed. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT'S ARE MATE OVER THERE' Phoenix screams in my thoughts. I shake my head feeling strange all of a sudden. Diana takes a few steps towards me, which results with me backing up off the bed, landing on the carpet with a THUMP in a heap of fur and muscle. "Nick don't be scared I'm here for you," I can hear Diana speak in to me in hopes of calming me down. Her soothing voice was too hard to resist and I go limp on the floor quietly licking down my ruffled hairs. She comes around the corner of the bed and sits down next to me stroking my fur. The sensation makes my muscles instantly relax even more and I put my head on her lap. 'What happened to my resistance it's like it melted away?' I growl at this thought raising and shaking my head trying to make them disappear. I get up hop back onto the bed and curled up not wanting to be comforted by the likes of her. Although I do already miss the warmth that she provided me when we were on the floor together.

"Nick now that I know you're my mate we need to get something straightened out," she says pausing to look me directly in the eyes breaking me out of my thoughts. I glare at her from the bed looking down on her till she gets up and sits down next to my curled up form.

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