Chapter 1

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Got a new computer and I'm editing everything I have so far so here is a new chapter for you people also here is a key for my writing

Nevermind wattpad is being wattpad and I cant edit it in properly

(Mickey's POV)

Throughout my whole body I felt a burning, blistering, excruciating sensations tearing my insides up. Black and red dotted my vision, obscuring my surroundings in a haze of color. I groaned as the pain centered in my sensitive thighs. Nearby, somebody else seemed to have a similar problem. It felt like my bones were snapping and my muscles were twisting up. I tried to move, but my lungs constricted and I started to hyperventilate. Everything dulled as the lack of breath caught up to my mind, pushing me steadily towards unconsciousness, and soon all that was left was a black numbness.

I opened my eyes to find that I was outside on a moonless night, laying on my back staring at the shining stars. I picked myself up of the ground and looked around. I was in the woods again, except without the moonlight shining it looked dark and unsettling. The air was heavy with unnatural blue fog and I covered my mouth. Around me the trees and plants were suffocating with the thick layer that was floating on the ground. I coughed and tried to get out before I choked, but in the shadows there was a growl and I paused. I ducked down to see under the fog to find that a pair of bluish green glowing eyes staring at me. It growled at me again, getting closer till it came out of the undergrowth. That was when I saw the most beautiful wolf ever, it had a shimmering black coat with a fluffy tail and ears. While the ears and tail made him look approachable his sharp teeth and claws said otherwise. While still holding my breath with my hands I looked at the wolf straight in the eyes, yet it shook its head in disappointment. It turned and ran then jumped over a bush disappearing from my sight. "Wait" I called but started coughing as the fog got into my lungs. It was burning me from the inside out I coughed even more, collapsing to my knees puking a blue liquid out of my mouth. I used the last of my strength to drag my body to where the wolf ran off to. My eyes started closing right when I reached the bush and I blacked out going adrift in a sea of pitch black.

I shot up into a sitting position, gasping for breath. 'Well at least waking up again wasn't as painful as it was last time' I thought to myself. I sat up in the bed, the sheets around me falling off the side of my shoulders onto my lap. I heard a small grunt next to me and noticed something furry was lightly scratching me with claws. I looked down to see a wolf with red fur and a single white stripe on the side of its pelt. It was softly breathing while its face was bunched up in a snarl. Flashbacks of last night came back to me in a blur. I shouted in a panic, pushing myself away from the wolf taking the blanket with me as I fell to the ground. The wolf woke up and growled at me, but recognizing me and seeing the fright in my eyes it looked down at itself before whimpering. It looked down at me with frightened puppy eyes and flattened ears, pulling at my heartstrings and getting an immediate effect. Getting over my initial shock to waking up with a wolf, I got on my feet and walked over to its position on the bed. I slowly let my hand lower to its red snout so it could identify my scent. It cautiously sniffed my hand and visibly relaxed licking me in return allowing me to stroke its fur. Its fluffy tail wagged with happiness as I scratched the back of its ears, it looked up at me with a wolfish grin, tongue lolling finally calming down.

"You finally calmed down girl?" I asked. It growled in response and rolled onto its back showing me its belly and its-oh.

"Sorry boy didn't mean to offend you." He gave a quick snort also nodding in confirmation and rolled back onto his stomach. He looked confused and in a daze, flicking his ears once in a while. He was looking around the room as if searching for something. I took the time to look at the strange room I woke up in too. The room was windowless with boyband posters everywhere. There was a small desk and an office chair in the corner. On top of it there was a picture of four siblings, three being the brothers and in the middle a sister. I sat down on the bed, staring at the red wolf looking at the picture.

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