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I cover my eyes, Diego gets out of the car and he going to my side to help me out, it took every will in my body to take a peek but I wanted it to be a surprise. He guides me to an unknown location, "ok open" he slowly removes my hands

I slowly open my eyes, I can't believe what I see, my eyes get glossy as I turn so Diego, I can't believe you brought me here it's so gorgeous, rows and rows of sunflowers what a beautiful sight, I could look at this all day, "come on there's something else I want to show you" he pulls me into the the flowers, we walk deeper into the patch, "here we are" he says. I see a patch of grass with a blanket laid nicely, with a picnic basket laying in the middle my heart skips a beat, I can't believe he did this for me, I'm not even that special, the most anyone has done for me was take me to an in and out, making me pay for it also. I while my tears "oh no don't cry I'm sorry I knew this wasn't a good idea" Diego rambles. I gently grab his face "Diego I love it I couldn't ask for anything more" I say. We should and there I slowly looking at his lips, I can't believe I'm doing this, I gently place my lips onto his, sparks fly, it feels like a dream how could someone's lips be so soft. I break this kiss, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the blanket, all my favorite food were in the basket.
My heart flutters, we sit there admiring the scene and thinking about the past events, just enjoying each other's company. "Want to play tag" I suggest. We both get up "one..two...three... nose goes" I say. "That's not fair there's only the two of us" Diego whines. I shrug and run off "catch me if you can"

"Bust it down Thotiana!" Diego shouts. I laugh. He does his dance. "Diego I'm gonna go out with Dylan We'll be back two hours before the show starts" I get up and I meet Dylan in the lobby
"So what's going on with you and Sebastian please tell me my ship as sailed" I ask.
"For that last time desi we are just friends" she blushes. "Come on let's go to the mall" we continue walking, when we arrive some supporters ask us for pictures. "Desiree is it true you've been cheating on Diego with your ex?" A girl asks. "Of course its not true he's the best thing that's ever happened to me I would never do such a thing, my ex is a stupid clout chaser he needs to get a life" I reply. Why would I cheat on Diego I ask myself, shrugging of my thoughts I meet back up with Dylan she had to use the restroom.
"What are the odds you go dance on the table" she asks. I grin "one...two...three...FIVE" we shout. I slap my head. "Ok play the thotiana song" I tell her, she plays it and I hop on the table, I do the dance Diego did awhile ago. Dylan laughs historically. Soon me joining her. "Ok it's getting late we better get back before we miss the show" Dylan says, I agree and we order an Uber. As I'm in the Uber my phone goes off like crazy, I see that I'm tagged in this video on Instagram

"Desiree is it true that you've been cheating on Diego with your ex?" She asks me, "of course, Diegos a  stupid clout chaser and needs to get a life" "my ex is the best thing that's ever happened to me" I continue.

"Woah woah woah I didn't say that" I turn to Dylan. "What am I going to do Diegos going to hate me" I ask her. "there's no way that's real your not that kind of person I know you" Dylan says to me, I thank her. How could someone be so cruel, never in a million years would I cheat on someone, how am I supposed to convince Diego, won't answer my calls. I groan in frustration. The Uber comes to a stop.
The hotel, I get out of the car and I run to our hotel room, it was locked so I banged on the door, Sebastian answers, "I don't think Diego wants to speak to you at the moment" Sebastian says to me, I hear faint sniffles it the background. Sebastian still won't let me in "sorry desi he said to specifically not let you in" "Diego!" I shout. "Go away" i hear him say. My heart shatters,
I've just broke the nicest boy ever.
I wipe  my tears "I'm sorry" I say, but I don't think he could here me. I call an Uber.


"Hey guys I'm going live to explain what happed" i sniffle.
"the video you guys saw was edited, I would never do such a thing and it hurts knowing I just hurt the man I love, never in a million years would I do that" I cry. " I know you guys might not believe me or even care about my side of the story, but Diego Eduardo Martir I love you so fucking much it hurts, you probably hate me so much right now as do you all, I just can't understand why someone would do something like that, I'm gonna go and cry myself to sleep" I chuckle, waving to the camera I end the live, "my baby" I cry as I look through my camera roll, I text Diego one last time.

Diego None of what I said in that video was true and I love you so much, I hope you know that.

Sorry for a late update to make it up for you guys I wrote a long chapter

Word count- 1004

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