In another world; ch 10

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In another world; ch 10

I had walked with Anastasia to lunch. We were talking about plans tonight. I actually smiled. I had a friend, who actually liked me, probably she was my only friend. Ryan was just- Well, he was just Ryan. I fiddled with the three books in my hand. "Have you read them yet?" Anastasia asked me. I shook my head, no.

"I'm planning on reading them today, though. I want to find out more about what's happening." She nodded, and said, "I read mine yesterday. Nothing interesting." I replied a simple, "Oh." Anastasia nodded, and then said, "I have an AP class. See you later!" I nodded, and hugged her. I walked off, and into the cafe. ALL the tables were filled. I looked around once mored, and saw Chasity. She was sitting with her boyfriend, and he looked over at me. I put my head down, and walked towards the exit sign. Someone pulled my arm. "Where are you going?" I turned around, bumping into Ryan's chest. "I was gonna go out." He looked at me. "Can I come?" I shrugged. I really wasn't feeling well. "I was gonna go home, you don't need to come with me." I rolled my eyes, and walked the opposite way, going to my locker.

I fished everything I needed out, and shut it. Ryan was standing next to me again, and he'd got my to say yes to him coming. "Are you sure your not feeling well?" He turned me around, putting a hand on my forehead. "Headache. Fever." I said. "You're really warm." He said, feeling my arms, his touch lingering on my body. He moved down to my wrists, rubbing them slightly. Then, my hands. He held them gently, looking down at me. My face was heated, and I was probably as red as a tomato. He lifted our hands, moving a piece of hair out of my face, and tucking it behind my ear. He leaned down, getting closer to my face. I closed my eyes, and took in his smell. He smelled great. His cologne lingered, and I sucked it in. Then, he put his palms against mine, and we weren't holding hands anymore. As soon as he moved his palms, I moved mine. I looked into his eyes, which looked filled with amusement. Our palms moved in sync, sparks flying through my body. I looked down at my hands, then back up at him. He took my hand, and simply said, "Let's go."

Moments later, we arrived at my house. Dad wasn't home, which was a good thing. I sighed, leading Ryan to my room. He walked in quietly, and sat on the bed. I sat on the floor, next to his feet, and threw him the remote. "What do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" Ryan asked. I shrugged. "Anastasia and I are going to the movie theaters. Then, she's sleeping over." Ryan nodded. "Nice." I sighed. "What's going on between us?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked, now looking down at me. I shook my head, forgetting what I said. "So, what are we gonna do?" He asked again. "I don't know." I sat up, and looked at him and yawned. He smiled down at me, picking me up gently, and laying me down in front of him. "I'm tired." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. "Sleep." He said. "But, what are you gonna do? What if my dad comes home?" He shrugged. "Don't worry. I'll be right here when you wake up. He brushed his lips across my forehead, and I curled up beside him. His hand went around my waist, and I relaxed. Being here, in his arms, was probably one of the best thing's I've ever felt. Ryan muttered something, gently stroking my hair. I smiled, and fell into a deep sleep.

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