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For those who don't know PDA stands for public display of affection.

Also I am super tired and I had a burger so yay



Kris doesn't really display your love for you that much in public. You know the they love you, but they just kinda don't want every one to know all the time. Most of the things they do in public are completely silent. They will mostly just peck your face or hold your hand or quickly hug you.

You're pretty much the awkward middle school couple without the complete awkwardness. (If that makes sense)


Even though your relationship has definitely softened her, Susie still tries to keep her tough girl reputation a lot. She will definitely shower you with love and all sorts. Kisses, hugs and some hand holding (she actually doesn't like it that much). She will also kill anyone who makes fun of you guys.


Ralsei gets super shy about PDA. Holding your hand in public gives him a heart attack. He doesn't really like to show off because he wants to keep the relationship private for now. You usually give him a lot of affection in public though. He loves it.


Noelle gets shy most of the time you do PDA. The other times she is totally open to hugging and hand holding. Kisses are a little out there for her, but she'll definitely do it if she's in the mood. She pretty much has two modes. Her blushes are cute though.


You guys don't really show your love in public. You're both confused and in love and that's all that matters. Hand holding is definitely normal though and so are some cute hugs. It's honestly super cute.

|Rouxls Kaard|

Oh. My. God.

This man does it all. Kisses, hugs, hand holding. He wants the world to know that you love him and that he loves you. You guys have also most likely had at least one public make out cause I mean let's be honest.


He can't really go outside the cell, so....

PDA doesn't really apply to you guys.

Applying to if you do all the things that people usually do in public, then yeah you guys do all that.

Boom I improvised



Thought this would be cute so yeeeee

I don't know what to put here so

try guys game time

(Words: 404)

Deltarune PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora