Chapter 19

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~Two years later~

Bella's POV:
I cower in fear as the white beast approaches me with saliva dripping from his mouth. He growls and I cower back "Please don't hurt me oh great and powerful alpha." I plea to the beast. He smiles at me and shakes his head then lunges. "I got you mommy."  My little fur ball of a pup tells me as i lay on my back with him on my chest. I shift back to my human form and so does Matt. I smile at my pup and pick him up and carry him inside. He laughs as I give him a noogie. I call Matt my pup because somehow he is a full breed wolf. We have no idea how that happened but he will be one of the strongest alpha's ever because he is the biological son of all three of us. Us being the three queens. He is 2 years old and is a momma's boy. I told Alice not to spoil him so much but we all ended up spoiling him. We were moving back to volterra soon seeing as Vicky is pregnant. She wanted to have a baby to. "Momma, mommy spaced out again!" Matt yells to Ali. I smile as Ali comes into the room raising her eyebrow. "Is she now?" Ali says walking over to me and sitting In my lap. "Yep she also lost the game again." He told her excitedly bouncing in his seat. I actually didn't let him win either he is actually extremely strong for a 2 year old. It gives a whole new meaning to the terrible twos. Vicky come into the room and kisses Matt's forehead then sits down next to him. I get up and make them breakfast.

~Time skip to airport~

"Mommy mommy look at the big birdies!" Matt says pointing to one of the airplanes. A couple next to us smiles at him and they chuckle. I smile and ruffle his little black little curls. "I see them buddy aren't they cool?" I ask him. He nods then runs over to Alice. "He is so precious." The woman of the couple says to me. "He's our little angel." I tell them wincing at my word choice as I remember by daughter missing her. Angel went missing after Embry was killed in a rogue attack. I haven't heard from her since Matt was born. The couple noticing my pained expression looked at me concerned a shook my head and they got up and left. 'Oof' I breathe out as Matt jumped on my lap. "Sorry mommy." Matt said to me hugging me gently. I hug him back and we all get up and go to the airplane.

~Time skip to Volterra~
I smiled as I picked up my small pup and carrying him to the castle with Alice and Vicky on either side of me with Vicky going a bit slower because of her 6 month pregnant belly. We walk inside and I'm crushed in a hug by a petite figure. I look down to see Jane hugging me. I give Matt to Alice and pick up Jane twirling her around as she giggled. I put her down and she blurred over to Vicky and hugged her gently. "Mommy where are we?" I heard Matt ask in a tired voice. I walked over to him and take him out of Ali's arms as Jane blurs over to her and tackles her both of them giggling. "We are at Mommy,Momma and Momma Vicky's old home." I tell my pup. Jane blurs back over to me scaring me and making me yelp and Matt to jump up and shift standing in front of me growling at Jane. Jane backs up with wide eyes at the size of Matt's wolf. He was almost as big as me even with him being only two. I shift into my wolf and nuzzle him. "It's okay my little alpha this is your aunty Jane she is just excited to see us again." I say to Matt. He snorts and shifts back into his human form fully clothed. I shift back to and pick up my pup. "I'm sorry Aunty Jane I thought you were trying to hurt my moms." He says to Jane. "It's alright little one I would have done the same thing." Jane replies to Matt smiling. I give Matt to Ali and she checks him over to see if he was harmed. "What's all the commotion Jane?" A cloaked figure said coming around the corner. I look at Vicky and Ali they had the same look that I did...We knew that voice. The cloak figure started walking over to us then stopped. "Moms!" The figure said surprised. I smelled the air and noticed it was Angel. I blurred over to her and hugged her crying. She hugged me back crying too. Ali smells the air and sets Matt down and blur over to us hugging her. Vicky looked at us confused. "I missed you so much Angel." I tell my daughter. Vicky's face morphs into one of recognition and surprise. She walked over and hugged us. She started crying to when I felt I tug on my pants. I turn around to see my little pup looking up at us confused. I let go of Angel and pick up Matt. "Matt this is your older sister Angel." I told him. Vicky and Ali let go and looked at him to see his reaction. Angel lowers her hood to show half of her face covered in a mask and she smiles at Matt. "Hello Matthew you've grown so big." Angel tells him Matt leans over to her and she grabs him. "Please sissy call me Matt." Matt tells her. She smiles and hugs him. We smile and all of us start walking to the throne room. I smile as we reached the door and Jane enters first then Angel gives me Matt and she walks in too. "Masters we have a couple visitors." Angel and Jane tell them. "Let them in." The tired bored voice of Aro echos. I smile then link into our family bond. "Let's play a prank. Matt and I will burst in shifted and run towards them." I say. Everyone smiles and nods then me and Matt shift to our wolves. Jane walks back out then screams seeing us and run back in to the thrown room. Matt and I burst into the room and run towards the thrones where a very scared looking Marcus, Caius, and Aro sit. I run towards Marcus and lick his face and Matt goes iver to Aro and sits in front of him and smiles at him. I shift back into my human form and so does Matt and I burst out laughing. "Bella!" Caius,Aro, and Marcus yell out tackling me. "Hey don't we get any love either?" Vicky says walking into the room with Ali both of them smiling. Aro blurs over to Alice and hugs her and Cauis blurs over to Vicky and hugs her gently. Marcus hugs me in a bear hug and whispers in my ear, "I missed you my daughter." "I missed you too daddy." I whisper back. I feel Matt pulling on my pant leg again. I turn around and pick him up. "Dad this is Matthew your grandson." I tell my dad. He smiles and takes Matt out of my arms and hugs him. "Hello grandpa." Matt says hugging him back. We spent the next few hours catching up until Vicky screamed then passed out.

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