Chapter 3

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When Victoria and I got back to the pack house all of the pack was already there. They sniffed the air and turned to us. They looked at my neck and then to Victoria's. We marked each other so we both had bite marks on our necks. "How are you still alive after that." Jacob said laughing. "We could hear you from all the way over hear. Jeez Bells I didn't know you were a screamer."He continued. "Only for one person." I say and look at Victoria. She was smiling smugly. The pack was laughing. Then Sam spoke up. "Why are your eyes blue the used to be brown? And you smell different more sweet."
"We have a lot to talk about." I tell him. "Okay do you mind coming inside?" He asks me. I sniff the air and smell a human. "Vicky there is a human in there I want you to stay close to me so we can make sure we don't attack it." "That's fine Bella. Will you be okay?" She asks me through the bond. I nod and she grabs my hand. "That is fine but don't expect us to get close to that human though." I tell him. He stares at me with a shocked look on his face. "How did you know she was in there? Not even I can smell her." Sam asks confused. "That's one of the things we need to talk about." I tell him he nods and we head inside. "Hey guys dinner is done!" A female voice yells from the kitchen. The pack takes off like a stampede towards the kitchen. I look at Victoria and shrug she giggles and we walk towards the kitchen. All of the pack has at least 5 hamburgers each on there plates they were all eating like they haven't eaten in days. Victoria smells the air and then stops breathing. I smell the air too I can smell the human but it doesn't burn my throat. "How's your thirst?" I whisper to Victoria. "It's fine it's just that food smells like dirt." She replies. I smell the air again and she's right it does smell like dirt. I wrinkle my nose and burry my face in Victoria's hair. She smells like vanilla and citrus. "Who are they?" The human girl asks Sam. "Oh sorry Emily, this is Isabella Swan and Victoria." Sam tells Emily. I lift up my head and look at Emily and nod. She nods back. "Would you guys like some." I shake my head and so does Victoria. "No thank you we ate on the way here." I told her politely. One of the boys laughed. "Yeah, each other." He said laughing. "Paul!" Emily yelled at the boy. "Sorry about him." She tells me. "Don't worry about it at least it's true." Victoria said teasingly. Paul starts choking on his food and we all laugh. The pack finishes eating and they all head to the living room.We follow. Emily was sitting on Sam's lap on the couch snuggled into the couch. "So let's talk." Sam says. I nod and start telling them my story. When I finished everyone was looking at me. "Why are your eyes blue then?" Jacob asks me. "Because I'm a hybrid." I reply. "Cool." Seth said. "Are you going to stay with us?" Sam asked me. "I think we should go to the Volturi to find some more answers." I tell Victoria. "I agree maybe they'll let us join them." She replies. "No thank you we will be heading to Italy to find some answers." I tell him. "Okay we hope you will come back." Sam replies. We nod and then leave. "You ready babe?" I ask Vicky. She nods then I shift. "Get on." I tell her she gets on my back giggling. I run back to the house so she can pack. I lay down out front and wait. A while later she comes out with two duffle bags in her hands I grab one of them and she climbs on. I take off running towards Port Angelas airport. We get there and I drop the duffle bag and shift back. She hands me some clothes an I put them on. "Hey babe?" She asks me. "Yea." "Do you feel that?" She asks me. I stop and focus I feel something tugging at my chest. "Yes I do but I don't know what it is." I reply back. She shrugs and we continue to walk towards the plane.
~10 hours later~
We land in Volturi at night luckily. We walk towards the castle when we see a figure in a cloak in the ally way. We walk over to the ally and follow the cloaked figure. I decide that it's time to make our presence known. "Hey!" I yell at the cloaked figure. It turns around to reveal a small blond with red eyes. She smiles at Victoria. Victoria falls to the ground screaming. Suddenly a weird bubble kind of thing bursts out of me and covering Victoria. She stops screaming but remains on the ground. The girl looks at me confused. "We mean no harm there is no need to do that." I tell her. She smiles and looks at me. I brace myself for the pain but none comes. Instead she stops smiling and looks confused.
"Take us to Aro." I tell her in a calm voice. She shakes her head. Victoria gets up and looks the girl in the eyes. "Take us to Aro." She says in a voice that sounded like my alpha voice. The girl nods and starts walking towards the castle. "How did you do that?" I ask Victoria through the bond. "That's my gift. Being able to control vampires." I nod and we continue to follow the girl. She leads us to a drain and jumps in. We follow. We eventually reach a room with a elevator. We get in and the girl presses a button. The elevator moves and then stops and opens again. The girl gets out and we follow. She reaches some giant double doors. She pushes them open and walks in, we do the same. We walk in and see 3 men sitting on thrones. The girls breaks out of the trance and looks at us weird. "Jane dear who do we have here?" Asked a man with raven black hair and red eyes, Aro. "I'm not quite sure master." Jane answers him. Aro gets up and grabs Janes hand. He stands there for a minute and then let's go. He looks at us with a curios expression. "What are your names dear ones." He asks us. "Isabella and Victoria." I reply. "Welcome to Volterra now may I ask why you are here?" He asks. "We are here to find some answers." Victoria replied to him. "Answers to what?" He asks. "Answers on how I'm a hybrid between a vampire and a wolf shifter." I tell him. The man with brown hair, Marcus, on one of the thrones head shot up. He got up and walked over to us. "They're part of the legend of the three queens but where is your third?" He asked us. Victoria and I stare at him like he was crazy. Aro looked at us with a exited look on his face. "Would you like to join us my queens." Aro asked us. "Queens what the hell is he talking about?" I ask Victoria. "No idea but let's say yes." She replies I nod then look back to Aro. "We would like to join you on one condition." I tell him. "Anything my queens." He replies. "We keep our diet." I tell him. "Oh that, yeah go ahead that's fine." He tells us. "May I ask your powers." He asks. "I can control vampires by looking them in the eye and using a specific voice." Victoria told him. He looked at me expectantly. "I honestly don't know my powers yet." I tell him. "She is a mental and physical shield, is the queen of the shifters, and can shift into any animal she chooses." Marcus tells him. I look at him like he has grown two heads. "It's in the legend." He tells me. "What is this legend you speak of?" Victoria asks him. "The legend is of the three queens. All three of the queens are mated together. One of the queens is a vampire/shifter hybrid with piercing blue eyes. She has the ability to control all shifters, change into any creature she desires, and has a mental and physical shield. The second queen is a vampire with golden eyes. Her eyes are more of a golden color than those of the vegetarian vampires. She has the ability to control all supernatural creatures with her voice and be able to have a instinct to help her survive. The third queen is a vampire/witch hybrid. She has caramel colored eyes. Her main ability is to be able to see the future. She also has a copy cat ability. The three queens together are stronger than the gods themselves. But only when there together is when there extra ability unlocks." He finished. Vicky and I look at each other in a exited way. We have another mate. Then I remembered I imprinted on someone else too. I gasped I knew who was the third queen. "Aro I know who the third queen is." I tell him. He looks at me and smiles. "Who is it my queen?" He asks me. I look him in the eye and say. "Alice Cullen."

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