Chapter 12

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"Hey I found something guys!" I say to the pack bond. "What is it mom?" Bree, Leah, and Jasmine ask at the same time. Jasmine started calling me mom because I take care of her and she is over at my house more than she is at hers. Most of her stuff it at my house to. Leah started to call me mom because one she imprinted on my son and two she needed a shoulder to lean on and I helped her."I found a warehouse that smells a lot like a bunch of vampires." I say. "Good job sis we will be there in a few be careful." Jake said. "Ok Jake I will." I reply. I shift into a chickadee and fly threw one of the windows. I put my physical and mental shield up. I fly into the rafters and perch and watch what was going on. I saw someone walk in with a human. He drops the human I noticed the human looked familiar. I flew down landing on a hook. I noticed the human looked like Tyler just older than I remember, it was Tyler. I notice the vampire getting closer to Tyler. I jump off the hook and transform into my wolf. I growl at the vampire then pounce and kill him quickly without anyone noticing. I transform back into my human form and make myself look a little older and pregnant. I rip my clothes a little then roll on the ground. I walk over to Tyler noticing he was passed out. I sit down next to him and shake him. "Tyler wake up." I say to him. His eyes open and he starts to breath heavy. "Hey breath your okay." I tell him. "Bella is that you?" He asked me. I nod my head. He hugs me and I notice his arm was bleeding slightly. I ripped a piece off my shirt and wrapped his arm. "Where did you go?" He asked me watching me work. "I was kidnapped I escaped a couple years ago. I adopted a couple of kids and as you can see I'm pregnant." I tell him motioning to my stomach. "Congratulations who's the father?" He asks. "Actually I don't know I was raped." I tell him. He looks at me sadly then hugs me again. I heard footfall outside of my pack. "Guys come in human form there is a human in here." I tell them through the pack bond. Tyler let's go of me and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted when the door bursts open. Jacob comes rushing in and so do Leah, Jasmine, and Bree. "Mom!" Leah, Jasmine, and Bree said together. They ran towards me and embraced me in a hug. "Hey girls I am so glad you found us!" I tell them as I hug them. "Tyler these are my daughters Leah, Jasmine, and Bree. My other daughter is at home I hope." I tell Tyler. "It's so nice to meet you three." Tyler said extending his hand. My girls took it one by one and shook it. Jacob walks over to me and hugs me. "Sis I am so glad your okay." He tells me. "I am to." I tell him. "Ok I want you and the boys to go look through this place and see if there are any newborns or other vampires here." I whisper to him. He nods and motions for the pack to follow. They did and as soon as they disappeared I looked back over to Tyler. "Can we take you to your home?" I ask him he nods. I help him up. "You did bring a car didn't you?" I ask my girls through the family bond. They all nod. We walk outside to see my van. I get into the back with Leah and Jasmine. Bree gets up front to drive and Tyler gets in next to her. He tells her the address and we drive there. We arrive at a small neighborhood. Tyler had a grey house, it wasn't small but it wasn't as big as our house either. "Would you like to come in and see a blast from the past?" He asks me. "Sure I would love to." I tell him. We get out and walk into the house. "Hey everyone you won't believe who I found!" Tyler yelled out. I herd some noise upstairs then people descending the stairs. I look up to see Mike, Jessica, Eric and a small toddler that clung onto Jessica. They all gasped when they saw me. "Hey guys." I said a little shyly. Mike walks over to me and hugs me. "Hey Arizona it's so nice to see you again." Mike tells me. "Bella I missed you." Jessica says and hugs me. "I missed you to Jessica." I reply. Eric walks up to me and ruffles my hair. "Hey Bella I haven't seen you since high school. Where did you disappear off to?" Eric asks me. "Actually I got kidnapped and got raped 4 years ago. I escaped then had my first daughter. I went to Italy and adopted Bree and Jasmine who are sisters by birth. I lived there for a few years then went to Alaska I adopted Leah. We tracked down her family and now we all live together in Port Angeles. Oh and 6 months ago I was raped and now I'm pregnant again." I tell them. They stare at me with wide eyes. The little boy in Jessica's arms wiggled around. "Who is this little fella?" I ask Jessica. "This is Chase Mike and I's son." She says proudly. I giggled then we talked for a few hours. There was a knock on the door. Eric answered it and I heard Victoria at the door. I walk to the door and smiled. She sighed in relief when she saw me. "I got worried when your brother came home without you." She says as she hugs me I giggled. "Aw Vicky you know I can take care of myself." I tell her she let's me go and raises her eyebrow. "Oh I know you can I was worried about whoever you were attacking with feathers." She smiled. "Ok that was one time now can we let it go?" I ask she shakes her head. Last week I tried dumping sticky feathers on Emmet and ended we up getting stuck to each other. Bree, Leah, and Jasmine walk up behind me and smile. "Hey momma." The say together. "Hey my little devils." Victoria says as she hugs them. "Well we better get going before Alice dresses up Angel in a pink tutu again." I say to Vicky. She smiles and nods. "Goodbye guys call me whenever you want you have my number." I tell them. "Bye Bella." They all say together. "Bye guys." I reply. We get in the Van as Jasmine gets in the car Vicky brought and headed home. I get out of the van and put on my normal appearance. I grab some of my clothes in the van and change my clothes. I walk inside with Victoria and, Bree,Jasmine, and Leah run ahead of us probably hungry. I walk into the living room and see Alice and Embry playing with a toddler. She had long light brown hair and purple eyes (picture above). "Mommy look I'm a human." Angel says. "Hey baby when did you transform back into your human?" I ask. "A hour ago." She reply's. I walk over to her and hug her and she hugs me back. I'm guessing mom made your dress?" I ask. "Yeah she let me watch her to, it was cool." She tells me. I laugh and Alice's eyes gleam with hope that her daughter would take a liking to fashion. "Has everyone seen you yet?" I ask her. "No they all went hunting a few hours ago." She tells me. I nod my head and heard footfalls outside.I grabbed a blanket and laid it over Angel. Then I blur upstairs and grab the twins and walk downstairs. I sit next to Angel to make it look like I was putting the twins in a little nest. Jasper, Rosalie, Tanya, and Emmet walked into the room laughing. Rosalie looks around but then stops. "Where's Angel, I can smell her and hear her heart beat but I don't see her?" Angel makes a fake mewing noise from under the blanket. Rosalie smiles and walks towards us. I cradle the twins against my chest and watch. Rosalie yanks the blanket off of Angel and gasps. "Hello auntie Rosalie." Angel says giggling. I join her when I look over to Tanya and Jasper and their mouths were hanging open. Emmet smiles and blurs over to her. He picks her ups and throws her in the air. "Hey pipsqueak, you're finally a human!" He yells excitedly as she giggles. I growl at him and he looks over to me. He catches Angel puts her down and blurs behind Rosalie. I give Alice the twins and walk over to Emmet. I drag him by his ear and pull him outside. The pack came out to all of them with a sandwich in there hands. Everyone else joins us to. I pick up Emmet and throw him in the air. He screams and flies up 10 feet. I stand under him and pretend I'm going to catch him. When he is about 5 feet above me a step to the side and let him fall. He crated a Emmet shaped hole in the ground I heard everyone laugh behind me. Emmet gets up and I glare at him he jumps up and runs behind Rosalie. I start to laugh and walk over to Ali and Vicky. I kiss them then pick up the twins. I walk inside and sit down thinking... life is great.

For now.

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