Chapter 11

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Everyone was getting ready for school at the house, along with Jasper and Tanya who now currently live with us. I was taking the twins and Angel to Esme's. She knows not to let Carlisle near them or I will rip off some limbs. I get their and grab the twins who are now 4 months old, and walk to the door and knock. Esme opens the door and I smell her she doesn't smell like Carlisle so I gave her the twins then Angel and finally the diaper bag. "Remember to keep Carlisle away from them."  "Don't worry he already left for work." She replied. I nodded then kissed Scarlet's forehead, then Apollo's, and finally Angel's. I hug Esme then leave. I drive back home then blur up to my room. I open it to see Victoria and Alice trying to decide what to wear, naked. I feel my eyes darken then I growl. Vicky and Ali look over to me and I pounce on them. We get done a few minutes later, thank god for vampire speed. I put on a black t-shirt and some jeans. I walk over to the nightstand and open the top drawer. I pull out my fake belly bump then put it on. The new rumor going around the school is how I probably did it with Jasper Cullen and got pregnant. Like that would ever happen. Yes Jasper and I are close only because my scent helps his thirst. That and he is like my brother. I walk down stairs to see Emmet trying to sneak into the kitchen while everyone else eats. I giggle then I grab a fly swatter. I sneak up behind him. I place a small shield with a very little energy charge around the fly swatter. I then slap Emmet in the back of his head. He yelps and turns around. He gives me a death glare and I smile sweetly at him holding the fly swatter behind me. I blur into the dining room were everyone was eating or sitting. I dive under the table and hide next to Jasper. Everyone by this point was laughing. I heard Emmet stomping into the dining room. "Where did she go?" He asked. "Under the table." Seth tells him. I punch Seth's leg then blur behind Jasper. Seth yelps and Emmet dives under the table. I grip onto Jasper's back. Emmet pops out from under the table then looks at me. He slowly approaches us. As soon as he gets close Jasper starts growling at him. Emmet stops then mumbles under his breath and sits next to Rose. "Thanks Jazzy." I tell him. "No problem Bells." He replies o get off his back and Ali and Vicky come down the stairs. The stumble at the bottom probably still recovering from our earlier session. Everyone started laughing again. I giggled and walked over to them. I put my arms around their waists and help them walk to the van. I place them in the front seats and everyone else followed behind us still giggling. I get in the front seat I turn around to see Rose pouting as everyone else was smiling. "What's wrong Rose." I ask. "Emmet can't make me feel like that." She says pouting. Everyone starts laughing. "Well I might have to help you then." I say to her and wink. I look over to see Emmet's eyes darken with lust and the smell of arousal in the van. I turn around laughing then start driving to school. We get there and everyone gets out. Of course with Jasper being a gentleman helping me out of the van with Tanya's help. I get out and put my arms around Victoria and Ali's waists. All of the humans stopped to stare at us. Of course with the pack being protective of me they give death glares to everyone and they look away. Jasmine (Angela Weber's little sister) walks up to us. "Hey guys how was your weekend?" She asks. She isn't as shy as Angela she is actually pretty outgoing. "Pretty eventful actually we found out the sex of the baby. Well babies." I correct myself. "Your having twins that's awesome." She says. I nod my head and she hugs me. "Hi in there guys." She says to my belly bump. I giggle a little bit. "I'm having a girl and a boy." I tell her. She squeals and Alice giggles. Jasmine let's me go. "Well bye guys." She tells us we all tell her goodbye. I hear Jasper growl behind me. I turn around to see him glaring at Tim (Mike's little brother) who was staring at me with lust in his eyes. I growl and walk over to Jasper. "Hey, it's okay Jazzy he won't hurt me." I tell Jasper. Jasper has been really protective of everyone lately we have no idea why though. He stops growling but pulls Tanya closer to him. We start to walk to class. A few class periods later it was time for lunch. I give Victoria my bag and tell Alice and Victoria to go ahead of me. They take off to the cafeteria. I slowly walk to the cafeteria lost in thought. I feel someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth. I try to scream but the hand was preventing it. I get dragged to a janitors closet. The hands releases me. I spin around to see Tim behind me with lust in his eyes. I smell the air and Tim smells a little off. He smelled like a wild animal. "What do you want Tim?" I ask him annoyed. "You." He simply replies. He grabs me and forces me against a wall. I try to fight him off but he was stronger than me. I don't know how but he was. I tried to talk through the family connection but something seemed to block me. Tim pulls down my pants and holds my hands above my head as he proceeds to rape me. When he finishes he pulls up his pants and leaves. I lay on the floor because it hurt to much to move. This brought back horrible memories of when I was rapped by Edward. I cried to myself hoping that someone would find me. A couple hours past when I heard a bang at the door. I look up to see the door burst open. Jasper walks in with a concerned look on his face. He walks over to me and bends down and picks me up bridal style. He puts my pants back on. Then walks outside the janitors closet. "What happened Bells." He asks me. "Tim raped me he was stronger than me somehow. He also blocked my family bond somehow." I tell him weakly. He growls and his eyes darken. He walks to the cafeteria where my family was waiting along with Jasmine. All of them looked panicked. "I've got her." Jasper says to everyone. Alice, Victoria, and Bree run over to us at human speed. Their eyes darken as they see how weak I was. Victoria grabbed a bottle filled with blood and handed it to me. I drank it eagerly. I finished the bottle and handed it back to Victoria. Jasper walks over to the table and sits down and places me next to him. "What happened Jazz." Tanya asks him. "I found her in the janitors closet. She was barely moving and her pants were thrown on the other side of the room I picked her up and helped her back in them. She told me that Tim rapped her and she couldn't escape because he was stronger than her." He tells everyone. The wolves were shaking with anger and all of the vampires eyes darkened. Jasmine started growling and the wolves, Bree, and I looked at her. She was shaking and you could see the heat coming off of her. I got up and dragged her outside and into the forest. The wolves and Bree followed us but the vampires stayed behind. I let go of Jasmine as we come into a small clearing. I back away from her as she starts to shake harder. She screams as her bones start to break and her clothes rip. She transforms into a small black wolf with teen eyes. I take off my fake belly bump and transform into my white wolf. The pack and Bree shifts and forms a circle around us. "Why do I have paws what am I, Why are there a bunch of giant wolves around me?" Jasmine says panics as she howls. "Jasmine calm down!" I tell her in my alpha voice. Her knees buckle and she flips on her back with her stomach up in a submission stance. I nudge her and she gets up. "You're a wolf shifter. By the looks of it you are related to one of our former pack members Sam Uley." I tell her. The wolves start to whine as I bring up Sam's name. "Uley that sounds familiar. Oh wait I remember. My real father's name is Joshua Uley." She tells us. Leah whines and falls to her stomach. Jacob walks over to her and licks her as he purrs. "Leah baby your okay, you'll be okay." He tells her. I whine at the sight of one of my daughters in pain. I walk over to her and lay down and lick her cheek. She snuggles against me as she cries. "Sorry Jasmine you just brought back some memories." I tell her. She nods her head. "Okay let's try something try thinking of what it's like to be in your human form." I tell her. She nods and starts to shake. She shifts into her human form and blushes as she covers herself up. Everyone else shifts into their human forms and puts on the clothes tied to there legs. I help Leah get dressed. And pick her up and hand her to Jacob. He cradles her against his shirtless chest. I take off the jacket and hand it to Jasmine. She puts on the jacket and zips it up. I put on my fake belly bump and adjust my shirts. "I thought you were pregnant." Jasmine says. I turn to her. "I'm not pregnant but I have to pretend to be." I tell her. "What do you mean?" She asks. "I can't explain it but I can show you if you come to my house after school." I tell her. She nods. We start walking back to the school. Halfway there Leah got out out of Jacobs arms and came over to me. I put my arm around her and supported some of her weight. We get to the school and the rest of our family surrounded us. "Is she okay?" Victoria asks me. "Yeah everyone is fine just a old painful memory brought up." I tell her. She nods. We walk to the van and get in I ride in the very back with Leah's head on my lap with Jasmine leaning her head on my shoulder. We get home and head inside. Esme was inside holding the twins. Quil walked over to her and picked up Scarlet I walked over to Esme and picked up Apollo. I walked back over to the couch and sat down. A little while later Jasmine sat next to me. Leah came back downstairs after she took a shower she sat down on the other side of me. I give her Apollo and she cradles him. She starts to shake as she stared to cry. She payed down on my lap as she laid Apollo next to her. I play with her hair as I start to tell Jasmine about our past.

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