The Set Up

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                         Chapter 1
Alex and I are chllin' in the living room at my LA Beach vacation house.           

Alex stands up, walks away from the couch running his hands through his hair with frustration. "She's your best bet in not only attracting your old fans back but bringing in new fans who could fill concert halls." Alex states

"I know she's done work with previous artist but they're hardly notable bands 'Foster the People', 'Don Henley', and 'Suzanne Vega' the first one I nor my fans have ever heard of and the last two are just bands that were popular when our parents were our age and those were  just remake videos!" I slouch back into the couch and put my feet on the coffee table

Alex turns back to me
"Yeah but because she knows what people our age want to see and can stand to look at for more than six seconds, 'Foster the People', an indie band mind you, won their first Grammy and the other two were put BACK on the Billboard 100 for two weeks all because her videos made the songs sounds en vogue!" "We need her for your stuff if you want to make a comeback as big as Britney Spears."

I smirked and thought to myself. Heh, Britney Spears now there's a woman I'd want to make music with, so what if my music hasn't been hitting like it did like I first started, every great artist has their struggles I mean comebacks are what make artist popular in the first place, it's how most fans can relate to them, can't that be the case for me?

"Look I've heard artists sing her praises but I can't just trust my big come back to some newb in the music industry, I mean for Pete's sake she's still pursuing a degree in Psych, what does that have to do with music!?"

Alex walks backs towards me while nodding his head slowly and sighs. "Look man I saw her on Fallon, Just watch this little interview she has with Jimmy."
Alex clicks play and I watch.

Jimmy: So your videos have really gone viral this past year, what do you credit the success of your videos to?

I look at Dahlia Jones, she's short, has olive skin, occasionally wears her hair in natural curls but straightened it for the interview.

Dahlia: I  credit what I've learned in psych, this far, to my success because in psychology you learn about society and how what makes it tick.            Alex fast forwards the video. " I'm into to psych and all but I don't need  a lecture."
He continues the video.
Dahlia: I know what people see as popular but I don't really like EVERYTHING people nowadays like. I try to find a happy medium of what I like and what everyone else wants to see and before you know it my videos get a million views in an hour, I believe it's because they like MY interpretation of the lyrics and what I would see when I listen to the song but they also appreciate the fact that I think about them and what they want to see hence the popularity of my videos.

Alex pauses the video.

"Ya see what I mean? This chick is psychic."

"She's a psychologist." I corrected "Well she's not even that she's still in school going for...a Masters?"

"A PhD, so she ain't playin' games bro." Alex says with a matter of fact tone.

"Fine," I say hesitantly "we'll set up a meeting but I have every right to say no since this is MY music and MY comeback, call her up on the conference phone."

Alex runs to the kitchen table and makes the call. Three rings go by. A high pitched female voice answers.

"Black Dahlia films this is Tricia speaking how can I help you?"

"Yes this is Mr. Constancio." Alex says with a smirk on his face. "I'm Austin Mahone's producer and we'd like to meet with Ms. Jones for a meeting on collaborating with her for Mr. Mahone's big comeback."

"I'm so sorry her calendar is ful-" Tricia pauses as a voice in the background begins speaking to her.
"I'm sorry about that what day did you say you wanted the meeting?"

Alex and I look at each other confused.

Alex continues.
"Would this Friday be alright?"
Another pause on the phone as the mystery voice whispers again.
"Friday is perfect, is 2pm alright?"

"Sounds perfect!" Alex exclaims
"We'll see you then Mr. Constancio have a wonderful day!" Tricia hangs up.
Alex jumps up and runs towards me
"Aaawwww man you definitely won't regret this!"

"I hope not, but I trust you man you've been my day one so I trust your judgment." I smirk and punch him in the shoulder.

"Well let's get packed, we gotta fly out in two days." Alex says with a serious tone "it's cool that she lives AND works in Texas that way even if you decide not to collaborate with her  at least you can visit your fam, so it's not a completely wasted trip."

I raise my forearm above my head and lay it against the window and look out to the ocean. "This has to work Alex, I love my career and I don't want it to runaway from me as fast as it came, I need music, it's been my motivation in life and to take that away is like taking my breath away."

Summertime (An Austin Mahone Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant