
16 1 2

Joy:jimin Oppa

    Irene snatch the phone
Irene:are you close yo jungkook right now?

Jimin answer back with yes were almost at his office

Irene:jimin listen carefully beat--_-_-_-_-_-
Wendy:-yell-beat the f**k out of him

Eunwoo:yeahhhhhh!!!! Right???

Jimin:why?? He laugh it off
You:because he did the same thing again okay! -you yell-
                 .....  ......  ......  .....  ......  ......  ......   Jimin hung up
He ran to the office to jungkook office(get it yes no yes no)


  Just then jungkook woke up

Jungkook:jimin I understand----------

Jungkook got ready to be hit

Jimin:take care of her jungkook she not over you yet and I know you aren't to so make up with her and if this happen to her again then I'm taking her and the kids with me to the U.S .......... Why is because joys my wife

Jungkook:okay I'll go get her also -whisper-go have fun -smirk-

Jimin hit jungkook arm
??:yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't hit baby kookie

      They both turn around and saw jin and the rest of BTS

Jin:ahhh-hit rm arm-tell your younger son to stop and that adopted one (jimin)

Rm:stop kids

Both:yahhhhhh were not kids anymore
         They fake cry

                    They talk amd left
Jungkook:I will get her back somehow just somehow

You cry over and over think he was not this kind of person he promised me he changed

Lisa:y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnn wake up
      She there a pillow at you

             You rubbed your eyes and yawned
Eunwoo:mommy when will we see daddy again??

You: baby we won't see him again

Irene:I thought you gave him a second chance???

You:nooooooooooooooo I said no more chances

Seulgi:so your staying with us?!?!

Yeri:no she going to stay in busan

Irene: when?w/o said?why?how?with out us?

You:okay enough I want time alone okay

Jisoo:how long?

You: maybe for a month?

They all hug you and cry saying "we'll miss you" and saying come back soon we support you and so much more

                         She studder
You:tomorrow you said and look at the ground


You packed your and eunwoo clothes

Your outfits:

Eunwoo outfits:

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Eunwoo outfits:

Eunwoo outfits:

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You both sides your goodbyes and headed out

                                    IN BUSAN

You book an apartment near an choi company

Sorry for the late updated

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