First Day of School

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Chapter 1- First Day of School

  Kayla's POV

*Whatever sound an alarm makes*

      I groan hitting the alarm and getting up. I am definitely not a morning person. Exiting my room, I make my way down the hall to the bathroom. Only to find my beautiful sister Tiffany sitting on the toilet, her morning hair sticking out in all its glory.

"May I ask why you didn't turn on the light to pee?" I asked her cutting on the light, brightness filling the room.

She flinched at the brightness of the light, her eyes squinting.

"For one it's super bright and-" she paused and got up off the toilet and went to the sink to wash her hands.

"Whats the point? I can see with out it." she continued drying her hands off and walking past me probably going to the kitchen.

I swear for that girl to weigh one hundred and twenty pounds, she can eat. Tiffany and I are very similar in many different ways. My sister has an amazing body that somewhat reflects mine. People say me and her look alike, but in all realness our body shapes are the only things that are sorta the same. She has light brown hair, mine on the other hand is dark brown. Same thing with our eyes; hers are light brown, while mine are so dark they look black. Tiffany is only a year older than me. Her birthday is November 2, 1993 and mine is May 14, 1995. Even though she is the older sister, I'm taller than her by three inches. We are a short family from our mom's side; Tiffany reaches five foot even while I'm five foot three. Tiffany's stomach is flat as a board she even has four pack going on, I on the other hand my stomach was flat, but I didn't even have a two pack going for me. Tiffany has almost double D's and a Kim Kardashian butt. I on the other hand have B cups and a Kourtney Kardashian butt. It wasn't as big as Tiffany's, but I do have a big butt. We are Native American giving us naturally tan skin. We say MOWA as a easy term instead of saying Native American. My family wasn't really, what I consider a big family. It was me the youngest at seventeen years old, Tiffany who is about to be nineteen, my thirty eight year old mother Leslie, my forty year old dad Frank, my twenty four year old brother Tyler, and my twenty two year old sister Jane. Yes my mother was only fourteen years old when she had my brother and yes we were all almost two years apart. You will learn more about my family later on, but right now I have to get ready. I jump in the shower real quick washing my hair and body quickly, not wanting to use all the hot water. I would have to kill Tiffany and I really don't feel like fighting with her this early in the morning. I pulled out my IPhone 6 plus checking the time '6:53'. I hurriedly get ready throwing on my uniform which consists of a white three button down shirt and khaki shorts. Did I wanna do my hair? After debating in my head whether or not I did, I finally decide to scrunch it. My hair was naturally curly, so I wet it and sprayed some hair spray on it. After I was through with my hair I started on my makeup. I wear everything when it comes to make up, but today I didn't have time. I applied liquid foundation, powder foundation, mascara, and eye liner. I was ready to go, but first I had to brush my teeth and put my shoes on. After I did that I looked at the time and saw it was 7:20.

"Tiff are you ready?" I asked her, entering the kitchen and to my surprise she wasn't there.

Checking her room I found her there putting her shoes on. She was fully dressed with her hair flat ironed with her makeup done.

"Yeah. Do you want to drive?" she asked heading out of her room towards the front door.

I nodded grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter.

"Awesome, now let's go we're going to be late." She says ushering me to the door.

I walked outside and Tiffany locked the door behind me. We hopped in my black 2013 Chevy Cruze and was on our way to Canto. We lived in Mount Turner which was around five to ten minutes away from Canto. I listened to the music on the radio, quietly singing along. Tiffany was too busy on her phone to have a conversation and I knew the only person she was texting is Marc. Marc is Tiffany's boy friend, that she's been with since she was in the 9th and he was in the 10th. He is already graduated and she is a senior. I'm only a junior. Tiffany and I both failed the first grade, well held back technically. We travel a lot so we didn't learn all the right stuff to go to the second grade. She will be nineteen in November and I'll be eighteen in May.

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